Chapter Two

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Hanyo's Pov
"Why am I always going to the store for you Yamkio? How can you eat so much if all you
do is stay in your room playing video games." I groaned deeply, still walking around the store. A very hyper Yamiko was following me around exclaiming at me for what I needed to grab.

All because of him we were always running low on snacks and food in the apartment. Now I know he got the eating from me. When I was stressed or worried, I ate like nobodies business.

"Because I'm doing tournaments on my game with Boruto, Shikadai and his friends." He exclaimed glancing up at me happily still holding the basket close to him. I made a small happy noise glad he was making friends after a few weeks of finally settling back here.

It took me some time to getting use to seeing all my friends all grown up, but I was more than happy to see them. I was praying for a while I didn't have to face Sasuke or Sakura but I knew at one point I was going to.

I glanced down at Yamiko confused when he tugged on the sides my pants slightly which he hasn't done since he was five. I placed a pack of cookies in the basket, and kneel down by him.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" I questioned worry in my tone. He flicked his eyes around before stammering.

"There's a man in a black cloak following us around all around the store." He whispered fear in his voice. I at first was beyond confused but I felt the presence behind me, I quickly took out a kunai I carried around just in case spinning around to face him. It clashed with a small katana. I let a small breath out, looking into the deep eyes.

I let my shoulders relax just a bit but kept my posture. I let a heavy sigh out, looking into his eyes just a bit even with the long bits of hair getting in my view, I whispered quietly.

"Hey, Sasuke." He looked genuinely surprised before, his own posture relaxed and he whispered back.

"Hn... So it really is you Hanyo? Back in the village after all these years." He whispered. He slowly flicked his eyes towards Yamiko who was shooting him deep glares, his whole entire face changed, and he looked at me emotionless first before he inhaled.

"Please don't tell me..." He trailed off. I took another heavy breather in, knowing I couldn't really hide it anymore now. "Yes, he is our son Sasuke."

It was a deep awkward silence that surrounded all three of us. After putting all the groceries up with both Sasuke and Yamkio's help we now sat in the living room with tea.

Me and Sasuke didn't say much but Yamiko was more interested in his game than meeting Sasuke. I breathed out a sigh and a stood up brushing off myself.

Sasuke looked up watching me confused. I snatched Yamiko's game, powering it down. His whole face switched, and his mouth dropped open. "Mom! What did you do!! Boruto is gonna kill me we lost the match." He started fake crying and I inhaled glaring.

"Yamiko Uchiha." He started shivering and quickly covered his head.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry!" He whined. I nodded back towards were Sasuke was watching the interaction with amusement. "This is your dad Yamiko and he is a really busy man." I stammered out.

Yamiko blinked a few times looking confused before he got up going to sit next to Sasuke who straightened out his posture giving Yamiko a small smile when he sat down beside him.

"Hi, dad." Yamiko smiled at Sasuke who slowly pulled him in a hug hugging him. My heart melted at the sight of Yamiko looking so happy and relaxed.

"Hey Yamiko." Sasuke whispered still hugging him.

"Where have you been dad? Mommy misses you a lot I miss you." I quickly looked away clearing my throat and sat down, still holding the game slipping it in my pocket folding my arms.

Sasuke looked a little lost for words before he cleared his throat speaking. "Well Yamiko I didn't know about your mom's pregnancy when I was young. I didn't know about you and I wish I did cause you are really big now. Your mom and I... Yeah, I wasn't in the best mindset when I was sixteen." He explains before glancing up at me.

I kept chewing at my lower lip, I wanted to avoid eye contact so much, but his eyes had grown so much.

"But now I am here..... And we can spend a lot of time together just like I promise Sarada I'm trying my best so if you give me the chance I will." Yamiko smiled more nodding his head greatly.

But I didn't miss the look on Sasuke's face that read we need to talk as soon as possible. It read a one on one talk and I was really not ready for it.

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