Chapter Twelve

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Hanyo's Pov
"Okay, first off- the point of the house was for more space, not for you both to just mess up even more are you insane!" I never had seen Sasuke jolt up as quickly as he had from where he was resting on the couch with a sleepy like daze taking over his face, curled up at his side was both Yamiko and Sarada who I had knew from prior time had started to come by and visit.

Some how I think she knew how difficult it was switching back and forth between parents.

"Oh we just watched movies and all. They seemed to actually get along when they both aren't trying to kill each other."  He chuckled quietly slowly sitting up the best he could with a yawn, while he ran his fingers through his messy bangs a couple times, before he shook Yamiko a couple times.

"Hey Yamiko go take Sadara home for me. You know how Sakura gets." I watched the young boy groan as he woke up slipping away off that couch shaking Sadara up as well grumbling to himself.

"I don't even like that woman. She threatened me with a knife." I gave him a small look to hold back my signs of a chuckle watching the two sleepy heads slip
on their shoes and slip out of the house. With a chuckle leaving myself. I started picking up the trash tossing it away after Sasuke had turned down the tv volume a little entering inside the kitchen.

It now fully was a home, with my own home here in the Leaf, which means no turning back to the once old life I had. I had gotten started on washing the dishes, when I felt Sasuke's arm slip in place back hugging me resting his head on the soft space of my neck. It resulted in me almost squealing at the ticklish sensation.

"Sasuke what are you doing hon?" I whispered shutting off the sink for a moment hearing his quiet chuckles.

"I've been thinking about what's been happening the last few weeks, you know getting you back. Having a split family. And thinking about Yamiko's request maybe another Uchiha wouldn't be a bad idea." I shook with my own silent laughter for a moment pressing my back into his firm chest for a moment feeling his hands sliding down my sides for a moment.

"Oh really? And what brought this on all of a sudden? Last I recall you said you didn't want anymore." A soft like breath escaped from him before I felt his lips leaving a lingering sensation across my neck for a moment as he spoke.

  "I was against it at first. But then I remember how you take my seed so effortlessly and how this time around I'll actually get to see you pregnant and all.. Yeah I wouldn't mind it at all." The seriousness in his time wasn't what was making me giggle but that each dirty word that left him grew more intense then the last.

A startled like yelp of a laugh left me feeling him lift me up suddenly placing me onto the sink with ease standing between my legs.

"Sasuke what about Yamiko?" He glided his hands down resting them them on the inner corners of my  thighs.

"It take them about 27 minutes to walk form here and back, that will be plenty of time."

No matter how many times I moved my hands to try and smooth out my large hair it seemed to still be frizzled and all over the place. Sasuke had slumped on the table next to me resting his head on my shoulder his own hair messed up in place.

"I think you went a little too hard, you are out of breath." I joked out he sent me a small little glare at my laughter before he snorted shaking his head a couple times.

"I haven't had rough sex like that in a long while- am I getting old?" I ran my hands loosely through his hair a couple times just deciding to tease him.

"Yeah I think you're old but so am I-" I snorted whining as I tried to move away from his hands tickling at my sides, both of us sitting up when the front door opened. I smiled at Yamiko when he came into the kitchen door way.

"Hey I'm back I dropped Sadara off. Is it okay if I go visit Inojin for a bit? Looks like you two need to be better at hiding your activities." He was quick to put a air quote around it snickering to himself as he pushed himself off the wall suddenly. I was quick to face palm as my face heated up nodding as I waved my hand quickly.

"Go ahead don't be out to late!" I shoved Sasuke playfully at his loud exclaim, exclaiming even more when he threw me over his shoulder with ease rushing off to the bedroom with me, after the loud slamming of the front door was sounded out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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