Chapter Three

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Hanyo's Pov
"When did you learn you were pregnant?"

"A few weeks after we had sex Lady Tsunade confirmed it, but then I went to Neji to confirm."

"So they knew before me what the hell."

"I was gonna tell you... Till I felt that leaving was best. Sasuke you went crazy."

"I still loved you though! You could have come with me!"

"Will you keep your voice down Yamiko is sleeping!"

"How old is he!"

"He's fourteen." I sighed heavily leaning against the countertop, it didn't take a scientist to realize Sasuke was beyond pissed.

After letting Sasuke and Yamiko have some bonding time, the one on one talk started and all we did was argue.

"You could have told me Hanyo." Sasuke snapped out again running his hands deeply through his hair.

"I can't take it back now Sasuke." I snapped finally at my wit end with him.

"You were able to move on, get married to Sakura and have another child." Sasuke sent me another hard glare.

"You don't get to do this Hanyo. I planned on marrying you, we could have had a life too! Everything could be ours." Sasuke moved closer to me, but I moved away.

"What kind of life! You move around and never coming home what kind of life would that have been for our son Sasuke? I came back okay, you can have a life and bond with him." I slowly calmed my racing heart down feeling so exhausted.

"Do you think I wanted to leave... I did that whole pregnancy on my own, at sixteen with the help of Gaara that's where I went Sasuke I was right under your nose for years. I told Gaara to keep quiet." I mumbled, looking away from Sasuke's soft looking eyes.

"I'm sorry okay... I'm sorry for you doing everything on your own... I'm sorry Hanyo." His deep voice was whispering and I quickly wiped my eyes facing the sink slowly nodding my head.

"It's okay it's all forgiven talking about the past just brings hurt," I whispered. I heard his quiet yet small footsteps before he was hugging me.

I jolted a little but let him hug me, ignoring the racing to my fast heart, feeling the skin more.  "Its really nice to see you all well and stuff, your hair grew its pretty." I chuckled quietly.

"You're getting old." I laughed quietly and jerked away when he tried to tickle my sides. I smiled shaking my head.

"Be quiet I'm trying to sleep stop shouting!" We both jolted at the late reaction from Yamiko in his room making me shake with laughter.

"Okay remember to try not to pick fights Yamiko I know you have a temper I'm keeping your game here with me, you can have it when you get home listen to your sensei," I ordered to Yamiko who was yawning at me deeply.

"Don't you have to come inside with me cause I missed orientation." He whispered confused looking up at me. I mentally groaned at the thought but I knew he was right.

We had woken up early and all. Fresh in my mind talking to Sasuke all night brought back all my teen girl memories.

"Lead the way," I muttered seeing Yamiko still yawning he lead the way with me following looking around the academy having so many flashbacks of my mischievous days. Yamiko knocked on the door.

I watched as the door opened before Shino was urging us inside the large classroom, students all on the large desks. Yamiko went to stand near the front of the door, and the Sensei urged me over as well.

I slowly stood near Yamiko who was looking around grinning, when he spotted Boruto with Inojin and a few other students.

"Alright, class listen up! We have a brand new student joining us introduce yourself." Yamiko slowly ruffled his hair up when he noticed everyone was staring at him.

He glanced up at me asking for permission and I nodded my head, giving him a smile Yamiko turned back around to face all his students before calling out.

"Yo I'm Yamiko Uchiha, I'm fourteen a little older than you guys I'm the first Uchiha, the carrier heir." There were the loudest gasps around, and even Boruto's mouth flew open when he snapped his gaze to look back a young girl who was looking more shocked, her eyes wide behind her glasses.

"Y-you're an Uchiha... But how?" She stammered out. Yamiko looked at her and was shooting small glares but I gave him a small look not to stir up anything.

"From my mom of course, my dad is Sasuke Uchiha." I slowly facepalmed when there was more gasps and loud gossiping.

"Okay Yamiko no more okay, I have to go to work around the village behave okay." I warned him, he gave me a quick head nod.

I ruffled his hair up before bowing my head at sensei before leaving already having a feeling a fight was gonna start.

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