Chapter One

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Hanyo's Pov
Many many years passed through my eyes like in a blink of an eye. I wasn't that sixteen-year-old, stupid girl. Okay, we'll maybe I was still stupid but I grew as a person.

I was now twenty-seven years old almost in my thirties. And I had a beautiful son Yamiko Uchiha who was now eleven years old.

I slowly was watching him become a handsome young energetic man. You would think he would inherit Sasuke's deep and dark personality, but he was always making people laugh, pulling little pranks you would think he was Naruto's.

I cracked a smile glancing down at Yamiko seeing he was rambling again, a little quirk he had when he was excited. It kinda surprised me how I still remember my way through the leaves, and on the paths to the village.

Yamiko held his backpack with his things tightly before he spoke to me looking up at me.  "Mom how come you know the way here, why aren't we staying with uncle Gaara anymore?" He asked me, the breeze blew through my overgrown hair.

I let a small laugh out, before stopping right by the large gates with Yamiko before speaking looking in his eyes.

"Well a really long time ago I lived here, when I was a young girl around your age, your dad also lived here." I smiled tucking away the deep dark blue strands of his hair seeing the one-piece was falling in his eyes.

I shut my eyes for a moment to let the chakra flow out, before I snapped my eyes open.  "And now your half-sister lives here as well." I whispered slowly letting my fingers trace across his light brown skin seeing him looking at me with soft innocent round eyes.

"But you never have to be afraid yeah? Sweetie, you are of Uchiha blood, you come from a long line of amazing ninjas your dad, his brother Itachi, Madara Uchiha." I whispered smiling at his curious eyes.

"And I know you will as well, cause a boy is a true carrier of the Uchiha line, so let's go see an old friend of mine, I can already see his face is on the Mountain, so Gaara wasn't lying when he said you did it all huh Naruto?"

I bashfully rubbed at the back of my head, smiling softly hugging Naruto back tightly as soon as he sprung up from his seat behind his Hokage desk.

"Oh my God Hanyo look at you." Naruto grinned at me, making me smile shyly. "Look at you though Naruto you're getting old." I said totally joking seeing him shoot me a playfully look.

He then glanced down to stare at Yamiko curious like watching the young boy playing on the stupid video game device. We never had that when we were younger, so the fact that our technology had grown so much shocked me.

"And who is this little guy? He has to be around Boruto's age." Naruto was still grinning but Yamiko wasn't paying attention at all.

I quickly smacked him on the back of the head and he hissed looking up at me. "Mom."  He whined loudly.

I gestured towards Naruto watching his eye grow wide before he smiled bowing his head.  "Hello it's nice to meet you, Lord Hokage, I'm Yamiko Uchiha." He beamed.

Naruto slowly blinked his eyes wildly before looking at me for an answer. I inhaled "Itachi?" He questioned fast, and I quickly shook my head fast.

"No ,No!" I cleared my throat, even though Itachi was somehow alive, even my close friend Neji was even though it was a close call.

"When I was sixteen me and Sasuke um you know." I gestured with hands the motion and Naruto's eyes were staying wide the whole time.

"Sasuke has a son? And you haven't told him that." Naruto hissed at me. "I was gonna tell him, but then he went all crazy when we were sixteen Naruto." I hissed back keeping my arms crossed roughly.

Naruto groaned deeply raising his bandaged hand up to rub at his face.  "Is he even here? I can sense his daughter." I explained hearing only the sounds of smashing buttons from Yamiko's video game and the loud video game noises.

"He comes and goes, but I think he just came back today, what happens when he sense you, and his sons chakra?" I blinked my eyes a few times before answering.

"I'll let him meet Yamiko cause he didn't know for eleven years he had a son, I only came back for Yamiko's sake, his Sharingan has awakened, and I can't train him with that. Only Sasuke can, maybe even Kakashi. I'm not here to win him back, nothing like that, it's just for Yamiko to have an understanding of where he comes from. Maybe when things settle down he can have a relationship with his half-sister." I was explaining to Naruto who was listening instantly.

Naruto breathed a sigh out before he placed his hand on my arm squeezing it gently.

"I know it must have been hard being a single mother on your own for eleven years, and you did all by yourself as well. You're an amazing mother I can see that.  So here's what I'll do I'll give you an apartment for rent-free for the first seven months." He started out.

"Then I'll let Yamiko joined the academy how does the sound you just have to fill out the paperwork?" I quickly hugged Naruto fast feeling him let a deep squeak out before he was laughing quietly hugging me back tightly.

"Thank you thank you!" He was still laughing quietly "You're welcome Hanyo, no worries."

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