Chapter Five

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Hanyo's Pov
"So what happened at school the other day? I was on a mission, all Sakura told me was I was a liar and yelled at me." The loudest snort left me recalling quite a lot that had happened in the course of just one week, one full damn week.

I turned away from the stove wiping at my hands, calling out to Yamiko who was shouting at his game console.

"Yamiko go to your room so me and your dad can talk." With just those words he was rushing out the room, the loud slamming of his door. Sasuke then took it to go sit on the edge of the table his eyes watching me.

"So on his first day at the academy, Sadara said some things to Yamiko that made him mad. They ended up getting into a physical fight, he also said some hurtful things.  So I picked him up from school, and had a talk with him, but on the way home Sakura approached me calling me a liar said some things basically calling me a whore, I kept my cool till she tried to punch me so I accidentally kicked her into a building and broke it." I sheepishly explained.

I watched his eyes grow wide so quick and the first time in my entire life of knowing Sasuke he laughed so loudly and hard.

"Wait you kicked Sakura into a building? I'm sure Naruto had a field day with that." He was out of breath once his laughing fit was over.

"I apologize Hanyo she had no right, she yelled at me when I got home, I had to explain to her you were my first  girlfriend and love, and how you actually had my first kid, I also had to explain to Sarada that in all actuality Yamiko is a true Uchiha heir since he is a male, she didn't take it too well." He sighed tugging all his hair allowing me to see his eyes more.

"I told him they have to get along they are step siblings, he threw a fit at me, till I said I was gonna ground him." I chuckled moving to sit on the edge of the table with Sasuke and he slowly rested his head on my shoulder sliding his arm around my waist.

"After all this time Sasuke you are almost thirty and still so mysterious." His husky chuckled filled my ears and he muttered. 

"I guess some things don't change, do you mind if I stay here for a bit? Sakura isn't letting me home right now, and I could have a talk with Yamiko since his eyes are awaken." I glanced down at Sasuke gently and chuckled before holding him close to me.

"You are always welcome here Sasuke, you don't even have to ask."

It kinda felt strange having my first love here, but in many ways you can see he changed, choose a better life path for himself. I woke up to him sleep on the couch with Yamiko also sleeping on his chest it was a cute sight.

I know Yamiko always wanted a relationship with him so now he was finally gonna get one with his father.

"Yamiko here's your lunch be good, if Shino calls me again about you causing trouble I'm taking all your video games." I ordered handing him the bento box he groaned but nodded his head pressing a huge kiss to my cheek.

"I'll be good! I'm gonna be the best ninja ever! Bye mom dad!" I laughed gently lifting myself up hearing the slam of the door.  I turned to face Sasuke who was leaning on the door frame gazing at me with a playful smile.

"Yes I made you one too, be careful on your top.secret missions." I rolled my eyes amused and handed him the brown paper bag which he took moving close to me.

I stared at him  in confusion a large spread of head flashing across my cheek when his lips came in contact with my cheek.

"Thanks Hanyo, be safe I know you can protect yourself, but don't get in trouble." His deep felt like they were looking into my soul, and that once feeling of how he use to make my heart beat slowly started back up.

"You know I am." I whispered patting his chest a little just now realizing how close we were to one another, he told me goodbye one final time before he left the apartment and I watched his tall form leave me in the kitchen flustered.

"Damn you Sasuke." I grumbled slamming a cup on the counter I shook my head rubbing at my face harshly.

"Not now this isn't the reason I came back after all this time, stupid thoughts never go away."

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