Chapter Eleven

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Hanyo's Pov
"Can I have another sibling?"


"What no, you have Sadara isn't she teaching you Chidori?"

"I don't want Sadara I want a little brother."  I held back the deepest urges to facepalm as I straightened up the living room, with Sasuke who was very much focused on the little task at hand, both of us moving around the living room.

"Actually wait Sasuke shhh, I wanna hear why he wants another sibling go ahead sweetie we are listening?" Sasuke gave me one of the deepest looks in the world quickly whispering back to me hush like.

"Hanyo that means will have to have sex, it's been years since we've done that do you know how long it's been?" I snorted lowly patting at his chest a couple times shaking with laughter.

"I'm pretty sure it hasn't changed over the years Sasuke, I'm sure it's the same technic of sticking it in there." I snickered harder through my laughter yelping quietly when he harshly smacked me on the ass when he walked passed me to toss away the trash,

It wasn't too long before we were both focusing on Yamiko who was messing around with his gaming device but flicked his eyes up to the both of us.

"Oh I got distracted sorry! I want a younger sibling so I could teach them how to use their eyes when they awaken." I cracked a slight grin, nudging Sasuke hearing him clearing his throat roughly.

"So you just want a sibling for that? We could easily just adopt one of the street or abduct." I was quick to nudge him in his ribs making him since looking back over at me quick like.

"What it's true Hanyo and you know it." I laughed slightly clearing my throat.

"No I can actually see why you want one, you wanna be like your dad and Itachi don't you?" Yamiko was rubbing at his tan skin very quick like, looking embarrassed like before nodding his head quickly.

"Sort of yeah mom." I hummed a few times rubbing at my chin in thought.

"Crap, forgot I have a mission, I'll see you guys later!" He was so quick to jump off the couch grabbing all his belongs.

"Bye! Will continue this talk, remember that Inojin is coming over to spend the night." He waved over his shoulder with a grin all that was left was the slamming of the door.

"Inojin is spending the night, shouldn't the door stay open for them, boys are horny."

"Oh come on Sasuke, they are only thirteen, it's not like they are gonna be doing it." I gestured with my fingers amused leaving the living room to finish up the kitchen.

"We did, quite a few times- in the forest, the bedroom."

"Shut up Sasuke!"

The talk about another baby, kinda slipped behind our minds for the rest of the day, since me and Sasuke were still getting used to being with one another again, he wanted all of us to actually move into a house, splitting his time with both Yamiko and Sarada. And like I promised Itachi we would have lunch every week to catch up on things.

"I knew you two were gonna get back together, though secretly inside I was rooting for you and Orochimaru." I sipped so quickly on my tea, feeling it burn down my throat as I started laughing quietly.

"Gosh you are so strange Itachi." I said through my laughter, he had a very bleak stare but cracked a soft smile on his face.

"I love all my nieces and nephew, I'm hoping for some more soon, so I can spoil them." I shot him a very amused expression, pressing my palms under my chin.

"You too? Itachi you have three kids already." He rolled his eyes playfully, "Yes I do and I've spoiled them enough, so Hanyo let the baby works back open so I can spoil one more."

Yet again I was choking on my drink, trying to hide my head shaking with rough laughter.

"Okay first off Itachi don't ever say that again, second it's kind of funny that you are mentioning it cause we were talking to Yamiko about it cause he said he wanted another one." Itachi was then looking away whistling quietly as he then stood up placing some money on the table.

"Would you look at the time, I promise Sasuke I would help him with one of his solo missions." I studied Itachi even more with a small look of amusement.

"Itachi have you been telling Yamiko that having another sibling would be cool?" Itachi laughed quietly under his breath.

"Me? Never I gotta go though Hanyo!" I watched him leave me there, leaving me deeply facepalming shaking with small laughter.

"I am so surrounded by children everywhere, I need to go to the hokage office. Later this week, think a house will do everyone some good, have all that money saved up from jobs I've been doing."

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