Chapter Six

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Hanyo's Pov
"Mom! Did you know I was the only one in class today who got an A on my test In smart."

I glanced up for a moment from where I sat on the floor in the living room. Looking up from my magazine, to look at the large tv that had Yaminko's gaming system plugged up.

"Oh yeah really? Well looks like you got the smarts from both sides." I smirked proudly going back to flipping through my magazine having it resting on top of my knee a bit, humming a quiet melody to myself.

It was a simple Saturday, with me cleaning and cooking random meals, and Yamiko playing his video games.

"Mom how come you and dad can't be together?" I didn't look up from my magazine licking my lower lip slowly, costing it a bit.

"Cause your dad is already married to Sakura remember? The woman I drop-kicked into a building last month." I explained snickering hard, still always kills me.

"Yeah I know I get that, but dad talks about you like a lot, and you never notice but when he is over he just watches you. He watches you cook and clean and he looks at you with love. " I paused my actions for a minute to listen in on Yamiko nibbling at my lower lip some more.

"He also always is asking me to tell him if you ever go on a date." Yamiko then started laughing.

"I told dad no one is more perfect for you than him himself, and he just chuckled at me. " I smiled faintly and chewed at my lower lip harder. No Hanyo it's not about you anymore.

"Yamiko?" He hummed but looked back at me, I set the magazine to the side flashing him a kind smile.

"I will always have love for your dad okay? He was my first love, but... My time for love is sadly over my focus is now well you." I smiled chuckling quietly looking down.

"I don't think I can love again, but I can promise you if I ever start dating or feel the urge I'll tell you." He frowned a little more but then nodded his head deeply. I perked up when the door open and I knew that only could be Sasuke.

"It's open!" I hollered wiping at the faint tear that slides down my brown cheek making me grumble deeply.

Yamiko was quick to toss his controller away which I managed to catch chuckling. I set it back down standing up to meet Sasuke and Yamiko halfway.

"You know it's been a while since we've taken a walk like this Hanyo." I took a glance to my left to stare at Sasuke. His features were lit up by the moonlight and since Yamiko was gone for the night with a sleepover with Boruto and all the boys, we decided to take a walk to clear our thoughts.

"It has been forever we use to do them a lot when we were young. " I admitted grinning I stared at the lake a bit watching it shine deeply.

I slowly propped myself to lean on the railing Sasuke doing the very same.

"Do you remember when we first started dating?" I hummed a little quietly but nodded chuckling faintly.

"Yeah I do, we were twelve you came up to during our missions and gave me a promise ring, and you were like." I paused mimicking Sasuke.

"Hm... Here loser be my girlfriend this is a promise will get married." I started laughing loudly at the look that Sasuke flashed my way a faint chuckle leaving him.

"You aren't funny I don't sound like that, but it's something I cry about something." I stopped my laughter quickly staring at Sasuke a little worried when I noticed the change in his voice it was a very drastic change in tone, and it sounded quite shaky.

"Sasuke what's wrong?" I asked him worried, my eyes grew a little wide when I saw these little tears leaving Sasuke and he dropped his head down to gaze at the ground letting all these tears fall.

He was so good at keeping his composers and hiding his emotions. I was confused, I was worried I was all of the above.

"Sasuke talk to me please it's okay..." I whispered. I wrapped my arms around his back rubbing at it trying to help and comfort him the best way I knew how.

Not with too many words and just with my actions. Feeling his body slowly shake even more than before. Rubbing at his back even more.

"I made a mistake... I know I did I made such a big and mistake and I was so stupid back then because I'm still in love with you just like I was back then."

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