Chapter Ten

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Hanyo's Pov
My eyes felt way too heavy for my own good, but that's what I get for drinking too much, these days I always drank a little too much at night and I was curious to why I was here. Yet I didn't utter a single question, just wanted to get it over with so I could figure out how to keep myself busy for another two weeks.

Yamiko was on a two week mission with his team, and it wasn't even a hard thought that my son was my entire life. I fiddled with my fingers a bit pushing myself up off the wall.

"Alright it's all final, just a bunch of paper work, Mr. Uchiha it's all final and complete are you sure you want this divorce?" Sasuke's dark eyes  shifted slightly from the papers before he pushed them across the table not sparing Sakura a glance as he spoke.

"I'm positive...I only wanna talk to Sakura if it's for the well being of Sadara or family dinners with my brother and his family, excuse me." He muttered standing up pushing the chair in he flicks the bangs away from his eyes staring at me.

"Are you alright?" I was startled by his question, a little in disbelief.

"I should be asking you that Sasuke." I gestured, he stared at me for just a quick minute before he rubbed at the back of his neck, without even looking behind him he pulled me into the hallway.

"I'm sure that's what I want... There's no point staying in a marriage that I'm unsure about, of course it brought me something good Sadara and just like you did too." I gave him soft smile watching him bring his hand up to stroke at my cheeks a few times.

"Let me go get some papers, then I'll take you home." He tells me stroking his thumb across my cheek a few times, before he pulls away. I pushed myself back to rest on the wall a bit still fiddling my fingers, head leaned back against the wall.

Who knew my home town would cause me the most distress in a long life time than anything. For just a moment I could rest my aching head till the voice filling my ears always put me on edge. She seemed to always just find me at the worst times.

"I knew there was a reason I never liked you Hanyo, you had to be a bitch and come back you couldn't have just stayed where you were!" I can keep my cool, it's alright Hanyo I told myself fluttering my eyes a couple times.

"Sakura I'm not gonna talk about it because I didn't do anything, I never cheated with him, I never even thought about him, I've told you dozen of times I shouldn't even have to explain myself I came for my son." I warned her.

The loudest scoff left her pink lips. "No you did it for the soul purpose of wanting something you had first, you just wanted to be relevant again." A rough sigh left me rubbing at the bridge of my nose. How do you even speak to someone who tries to speak louder and over you?

"You know it's really hard to ever talk to you  Sakura because you act so freaking childish it's so unbelievable you never listen to a word I say, when are you gonna grow up." I grumbled still rubbing harder at my nose.

"I'm gonna say whatever the hell I want!" I once again stroked at the bridge of my nose.

"I'm not gonna physically fight you over Sasuke... That's just dumb have a good day Sakura." I muttered pushing myself off the wall I brushed passed her.

"How does it feel to know you raised your son a failure! Raising him that way it's disgusting. " I don't think I ever halted as quickly as I did she could say whatever the hell she wanted to me, call me all the names in the book, but when it came to my son.

I spun around fast quickly storming over to her.

"What the hell did you just say about my son?! There's nothing wrong with Yamiko! I raised him with the help of Gaara and Yamiko is a sweet loving boy who would never hurt someone unless they did something to hurt him! What the hell is wrong with you Sakura! Why does what my son do bother you and why the hell are you coming after a child? Who cares who he loves, who he dates he even forgave your daughter who hurt him first."

My chest was rising and falling fast, anger rising, but I was slowly calming my racing heart down. "You work at a children's hospital yet you are attacking my son because of me, no that's not what we are gonna do Sakura.  You wanna attack someone attack me, don't come after my son, his sexuality and the way he acts cause remember the way you act reflects on your own child and the way you are bitter you'll make Sadara just like you, if I hear my son's name come out of your mouth again, I'll do more then just drop kick you into a building, I'm done with this."

I snapped at her giving her one look over she just seemed shocked her face growing a large shade of red. I stuffed my hands inside my pockets taking deep breaths in and out.

I gotta stop giving her the time of day for any of my reactions, A startled yelp left me bumping into the chest but I backed up relaxing a bit seeing Sasuke staring at me a bit.

"Hey.. Are you alright?" He questioned to me his hand cupping up to cup at my chin lifting it up. I forced a small smile exhaling.

"I'm alright just fine... Just wanna go home I think Itachi is coming for a visit in a few days so gotta prepare for that." I whispered.
He studied me even more pushing the papers close to his chest before he then placed his arms over my shoulders leading me out brushing my curls away.

"Your heart rate is really fast, did you kick Sakura into a building again?"

"No just gave her a warning,"

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