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I had decided to take a walk through the village, I eventually came across a small baby near the edge of the village. He was nearly dead when I found him, "You poor thing." I said as I picked the child up, "You have no one to care for you, nowhere to go, no home to speak of. The least I can do is stay with you at the end." I said, suddenly the child grabbed my hair and opened his eyes revealing something shocking. "S-Sharingan!" I said in shock as I looked into the child's eyes.

 "S-Sharingan!" I said in shock as I looked into the child's eyes

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"This changes things. I cannot allow you to die." I said as I carried the child away.

I quickly found the child something to eat before I took him back to my home, "From here on out this will be your home, and I will be your mother." I said, "You will need a name. How about Tobi, no that would be silly. How about (y/n), yes that's the perfect name for you." I said, "Welcome home, little (y/n)." I said, suddenly I got the feeling I was being watched, I drew a kunai and prepared to throw it at whoever was watching me, but I found no one. 'Strange my senses haven't failed me before.' I thought, "I must be on edge because of the baby." I said as I walked away with (y/n).

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"They both have found a new home. One with the Mizukage and the other with great power." I said, "I'm curious to see which of the siblings will survive, which will become my true successor." I said as I released my shadow clones in both Kirigakure and Kumogakure, "What are you going on about, Itachi?" Kisame asked, "Nothing, just a little experiment involving two children fated to die at each other's hand in the pursuit of power." I said, "Oh, and who has the best bet of surviving your little test?" he asked, "I'd say the elder sibling. They witnessed their mother's murder and will suffer far more than their brother. He was asleep for the murder of his mother and nearly died of starvation. He is weak and frail, and yet I cannot bring myself not to see the glimmer of potential in him." I said, "Well well, I never thought daddy Itachi could be so heartless towards his own children." he said as we walked, "Pain and loss is the only way for the Sharingan to evolve." I said as we walked.

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"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" a girl said as she fired a giant fireball into the air, "Very impressive, Mira." I said as she turned to face me.

"Yugito!" she said happily as she ran to me, "Mira, I've told you to call me mother

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"Yugito!" she said happily as she ran to me, "Mira, I've told you to call me mother." I said as she hugged me, "I know, I'm sorry." she said, "It's alright dear." I said, "You'll be turning eight soon, so I say we have a feast!" I said, "Really?!" she said excitedly, "Yeah, we also have to celebrate you becoming a Gennin in the leaf village." I said, "But I left the leaf. The Hokage said that I'd be welcomed back with open arms if I returned, but I don't think they'll see me as a shinobi anymore." she said, "Nonsense! You worked hard to become a shinobi so you've earned it." I said.

Hidden in the Mist (male child reader X adoptive Mother Mei Terumi)Where stories live. Discover now