Chapter 9

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Mira POV

"BYE!" I said as Sensei and I left, "So where are we going this time?" I asked, "Misumata Forest. You're gonna learn to be a sage." Setsuna Sensei said, "You don't have a boyfriend, do you? You're just like Mei!" I said, "You know I'm married, don't you?" she said, "SINCE WHEN?!" I said in shock, "Since three years ago." she said, "Do you have kids?" I asked, "Yes, I have three, and so did my partner." She said, "Really? Six kids that's a lot." I said, "If you say so. I know that I'll be sad to watch my girls go but feel pride when they surpass me." she said as she put her hand on my head, "You're going to be far stronger than I am, so make Mom proud." she said.

We had been walking till night fell, "What's wrong?" Sensei asked, "You think of Ashura, Hana, and me as your kids? But they have parents to go home to every day." I said, "Yeah, so? I'm the mother of team 7. And while Hana is learning from Mina Yuki, and Ashura is learning from Lady Third, but you are going to be far stronger than them. That's why I requested you join my team. I needed to teach you, you need to learn control." she said.

The next morning we got back on the road, but we were being followed.

Setsuna POV

"SOUMONING!" I shouted as I summoned Meiko and Tsukomo and entered Sage mode. "Sharingan!" Mira said as she drew her sword and activated her eyes, "THERE!" she shouted as she threw a lightning-charged shuriken at the tree line and a woman jumped out of the trees landing before us.

 "Sharingan!" Mira said as she drew her sword and activated her eyes, "THERE!" she shouted as she threw a lightning-charged shuriken at the tree line and a woman jumped out of the trees landing before us

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"You're Itachi's daughter. I'll be taking your eyes for my beloved." the woman said as she formed hand signs, "Wind style: Piercing Bullet." she said as dozens of wind bullets flew through the air, I jumped into their path and let them pierce my flesh and bore through me to save Mira. "SENSEI!" Mira screamed as I hit the ground. She tried to heal me, but nothing she did helped, "No no! You can't die! You can't leave me I need you!" She cried as her eyes changed.

 She tried to heal me, but nothing she did helped, "No no! You can't die! You can't leave me I need you!" She cried as her eyes changed

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"Mira, you'll do great things." I said weakly as she pulled in tons of senjutsu chakra, cat ears appeared on her head, and tufts of fur appeared on her arms, "Lightning style: Grand Parade." the woman said as dozens of lightning bolts rained down on us, but before they could land a golden ribcage formed around her, "Look at you, so strong." I said as I wiped away her tears, "You can't die! Don't leave me too!" she cried as senjutsu chakra tails shot out from her and impaled our attacker. "Mira, sweetheart, I need you to take this to Junko. She'll continue your training." I said as I put the ring I wore around my neck into her hand, "I'm so proud of you." I said as my vision blurred.

Mira POV

"S-Sensei? Wake up, please!" I cried as the fur that appeared on my arms vanished, "NOOO!" I screamed as a skeletal arm formed and punched a deep hole in the ground, I dragged her body into the hole and buried her marking the grave with a large stone marked with the the style of Sage of Misumata Forest.

I decided to return to the village with Sensei's headband, "Junko Sensei." I said softly, "You're Setsuna's precious student aren't you? What do you want? I'm busy so make it quick." Junko Sensei said I handed her the ring, "So she's dead, where's her body?" she asked, "I buried her, I marked the grave." I said sadly, "That's good, now I need you to do something for me, I need you to dry those tears. Setsuna would want you to keep moving forward." she said, "I can't. It's taken everything and then even more to get here. I have nothing left to give!" I cried as I collapsed to my knees in tears, "Then it's my turn to help with your burden." She said as she picked me up and carried me through the streets to Mei's office, "What's going on? Why is this woman carrying you?" Ashura asked but stopped when she saw Sensei's headband.

"Mei." I said, "That's Lady Third or...Mira, what happened?" Mei asked as Junko Sensei placed the headband on the desk, "Setsuna Tatsuko has fallen in battle I'd like to take Mira Nii under my wing and continue her training." Junko Sensei said, "Granted, but for now I'd like a moment alone with her." Mei said as everyone else in the room left. "It hurts. Why'd she have to die? It should have been me!" I cried, "Do not talk like that, Setsuna was a good woman and she loved you." she said, "Mei my eyes they changed when she died." I said as I showed her my new eyes, "Don't let anyone (y/n) cares about die. These are the eyes of despair." I said sadly.

Hidden in the Mist (male child reader X adoptive Mother Mei Terumi)Where stories live. Discover now