Chapter 14

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Mira POV

After the war, we returned to Kirigakure. "And my baby sacrificed his eyes for you to become stronger?" Mei said, "Yes, and if I could give them back I would, but..." I said, "They're fused." a man said as he emerged from the shadows.

"Uncle!" I said in shock, "Don't call me that, we're nearly the same age

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"Uncle!" I said in shock, "Don't call me that, we're nearly the same age." he said, "Your son sacrificed his eyes to give you the power to survive the war. Fusing two Mangekyo Sharingan from members of the same bloodline will unlock the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. The light of these eyes will never fade." he said, "Sasuke Uchiha, why are you here?" Mei asked, "I'm here to give your son his ability to see again." Uncle said, "How?" I asked, "With these." he said as he put a jar with two eyes on the desk, "These eyes belonged to my father, Fugaku." he said, "I refuse." (y/n) said, "I want to become as strong as possible without eyes, and only when I reach a wall will I accept these eyes." he said as he tried to leave, but ran into the wall, "NOT A WORD!" he said as he felt around for the door.

"I feel so bad." I said as I watched my brother train and relearn the basics. "Come with me!" Hana said as she dragged (y/n) away, "She's been acting weird for a while now. Let's follow them!" Ashura said. We followed my brother and Hana down an alley. "And in a few years, I'll keep my promise." Hana said as she slipped a silver ring on my brother's right hand, "Whatever, you only promised me that 'cause we thought we were going to die." (y/n) said, "Maybe, but a promise is a bond not easily broken. I promised that if we survived, I'd become your wife and I intend on keeping that promise." Hana said as she kissed him, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! HE'S JUST A BABY!" Mei shouted from behind us, "OH CRAP!" I said in shock as Ashura created mist and ran, "YOU COWARD!" I cried as Mei grabbed me, "But I'm innocent!" I said, "You're in the way!" She said as she threw me, "YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS YOUR SON GOT ENGAGED BEFORE YOU!" I cried as I flew away.

"Damn! That really hurt!" I said as I rubbed my head, "Mira." Uncle Sasuke said, "Yes?" I said, "You have a nearly identical skill set to Itachi. I wasn't able to beat him, he let me win." he said, "And you wanna use me to see if you could beat him?" I said, "Exactly, and should you beat me, I will give you this." he said as Matatabi emerged behind him, but her eyes had six tome Renegan in them, "Deal, but I'm not holding back!" I said, "I'd expect nothing else, from Itachi's daughter!" he said as a sharp spear of lightning flew at me, but I quickly dodged, "SHOW IT TO ME! SHOW ME THE POWER OF THE STRONGER CHILD OF THE TRUE HOKAGE!" he said as he created senbon made of lightning chakra, but my Susanoo ribcage formed around me blocking them, "Is that all?" I said, "NOT EVEN CLOSE!" he said as his black flames surrounded me.

Sasuke POV

"SAGE MODE!" Mira shouted as she escaped my Kagutsuchi, "SAGE ART: SAPHIRE CHIDORI!" she shouted as she rushed at me with a deep blue chidori, I avoided her strikes, but she kicked me in the stomach, I struggled to regain my breath. She kept striking me not letting me gain any room to breathe. I substituted a log when she left a brief moment, but then she exploded revealing the Mira I had been fighting was a shadow clone, "SAGE ART SUMMONING: SETSUNA STRIKE!" the real Mira shouted as she summoned two cats who were sitting on the shoulders of her teammates who both punched me, "WATER/WIND/FIRE STYLE: TRIPPLE THREAT JUTSU!" they shouted as they fired their combination jutsu at me. I quickly formed my Susanoo and blocked, "TAKE THIS! SWORD OF KAGUTSUCHI!" I shouted as my Susanoo formed a sword of flames and slashed, "You can never win uncle. Yata Mirror." Mira said as her Yata Mirror formed from her hand, "I'll make this simple you've already lost." she said, "Release." she said as she stood with a kunai to my throat and a cat-woman sitting beside her playing a shamisen. "Mikoto put you under a powerful genjutsu. The sound of her shamisen is what does it. It cannot be blocked by anyone who isn't a sage."  she said, "Those eyes are different from his, but at the same time, they are the same." I said, "You win." I said as I made the seal of reconciliation and after she accepted I tapped her forehead just as my brother had done to me so many times before.

Mira POV

I walked over to Matatabi and extended my hand to her, she put her claw into my hand and sealed herself inside me. "Matatabi." I said as I hugged myself, 'Mira, I have a message for you. A message from your mother.' MMatatabi said.

Hidden in the Mist (male child reader X adoptive Mother Mei Terumi)Where stories live. Discover now