Chapter 6

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"I would like your report, Setsuna." I said, "Ma'am. Team 7 is...functioning. There have been minimal incidents to speak of, and we have completed all thirteen missions we have been assigned." Setsuna said, "And what of this latest incident?" I asked, "You heard about that? It was my fault, I should've been paying more attention to Mira." she said, "She attacked a civilian. Apparently, he was wearing a black cloak with a red floral pattern that from a distance looked like clouds." she said, "I blame myself." I said, "Ma'am I'd like to request that Team 7 be removed from active duty." she said, "I will grant your request." I said.

Mira POV

I watched my brother train, "Why are you training, you look dumb." I said, "Pathetic." he said as he looked back at me and what I saw in his eyes infuriated me!

"YOU LITTLE!" I snapped as I grabbed him, 'I'll do it! I'll rip those eyes of his from his scull!' I thought as I began to reach for his eye before coming to my senses, "Why do you train? You'll always be a pathetic weakling

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"YOU LITTLE!" I snapped as I grabbed him, 'I'll do it! I'll rip those eyes of his from his scull!' I thought as I began to reach for his eye before coming to my senses, "Why do you train? You'll always be a pathetic weakling." I said coldly, "Protect Mama!" he said as she made his hand signs and used the fireball jutsu, "You too." he said I was furious so I left.

"THAT LITTLE! I swear I'll..." I said angrily as I punched a wall, "MIRA!" Ashura shouted as she ran towards me, "GRIT YOUR TEETH!" She said as she punched me with all her strength, "THE HELL?!" I snapped, "Damn, guess you need me to pound some sense into ya." She said as she cracked her knuckles, "I'm done playing!" I said as my Sharingan activated and I formed my hand signs, "This is a brand new Jutsu, I'm the only one who can use it! Now sleep! Gakushū-sha mūnrīdā!" I snapped as I put Ashura in a Genjustsu similar to Tsukuyomi causing her to fall to her knees.

Ashura POV

I found myself in a wide-open field, there was a pleasant breeze, and the green grass rustled gently with the breeze. The clear blue skies were devoid of any hint of a grey cloud. It was peaceful, "There there, it's alright Mira, you'll be alright." a woman said before she stood up and faced me.

" a woman said before she stood up and faced me

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"So you're her mother." I said, "Yes, I'm Yugito Nii, Mira's mother, well her adoptive mother. I took her in when she was just a young girl who ran away from her village." she said as she patted a little girl who looked to be about four-years-old who had been clinging to her leg. "I'm Ashura Kiba. I'm...I'm your daughter's friend." I said making her smile, that small gesture filled this world Mira created with a gentle warmth, "Thank you. It warms my heart to hear my baby girl has finally made a friend. She's had such a hard time making friends, I worried that she'd end up all alone like her mother." she said as tears ran down her cheeks, I fell to my knees in tears. "Mira, t-this is...this is what you've been thinking about since that day." I said softly, "Please, help my little girl, she's in so much pain. You're her friend you can reach her." Yugito said as she placed her hand on my shoulder giving me a glimpse into Mira's childhood I nodded and woke up in the real world.

Mira POV

"Is that all you've got? Cause if so, then you're weaker than I thought and Yugito was right to send you away back to Konoha." Ashura said, "Shut up!" I snapped, "Or what, you'll run away, again." she said as I reactivated the Gakushū-sha mūnrīdā with the intent to kill her! Suddenly she vomited blood and a hole appeared in her chest, "B-But Genjustsu can't...!" I said in shock as the world around me began to melt, and when the world dissolved I was on a cross with my brother standing before me, "Release." he said coldly as I returned to reality with my fingers poised to gouge his eyes from his skull, "W-When did you?!" I said in shock, "That's enough!" Mei shouted, "Mira what is wrong with you?! You're about to cripple your brother, and for what? Because you're in pain and lashing out?!" she said, "Just stop! You are not my mother! My mother is dead! So stop pretending that you give a damn about me!" I screamed, suddenly she slapped me, "I might not be your mother, but I do care about you. If I didn't I would have had you killed." she said as she hugged me, "This is why you'll never find a husband. No man wants a woman who spends her time mothering kids who aren't her children." I said coldly as I left.

(y/n) POV

"It otay." I said as I rubbed my mother's back as she sulked, "No husband." Mama sniffled.

Hidden in the Mist (male child reader X adoptive Mother Mei Terumi)Where stories live. Discover now