Chapter 7

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Mira POV

"And until further notice, Team 7 is out of active duty." Setsuna Sensei said, "But Sensei!" I said, "But what? You caused this, your hate and anger did this sweetie. Which is why I'm taking you under my wing. Ashura, I want you to work on your Ninjustsu, primarily your earth and water styles. Hana, you need to improve your Taijutsu and your medical Ninjutsu. By the time we're back, Team 7 will be unrivaled." she said as we left.

"Well well, if it isn't Setsuna." I take it that's your problem child?" a woman said as she appeared before us.

" I take it that's your problem child?" a woman said as she appeared before us

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"Junko, why are you here?" Setsuna Sensei asked, "I'm here to see you off. I know what you're planning, so be careful. The village can't afford to lose you, Thunder Bringer." Junko said before leaving, "Who was that?" I asked, "Junko Hagima, the leader of Team 5. She's known as the Tide Bringer because of her prowess using Water Release. She's also my self-proclaimed rival. She's an expert in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu." Setsuna Sensei said as we walked, "So what are we doing?" I asked, "Training. You're proficient in lightning and fire release, and lightning is my specialty." she said, "Lady Mizukage has already given me permission to train you for as long as I need to. So let's begin." she said


"Lady Mizukage, it's been six months!" Ashura said, "I'm aware, but this was the deal Setsuna and I made. In return for taking you girls off active duty, she would be allowed to train Mira for as long as needed." I said, "Then will you please train me to better use Earth Style?" she asked, "I was hoping you'd ask, You can learn alongside my son." I said.

Mira POV

"LIGHTNING STYLE: THUNDER DRUM!" Setsuna Sensei and I shouted as we finished forming our hand signs, I was slower so I used the resulting lightning that arched from our bodies to block her lightning, and I used the thunder from the attack to disrupt the thunder from her attack. "Impressive, but stop holding back. 'Cause if you don't you'll never be able to go all out in a real fight. I'm a lot stronger than you are dear. I can take anything you can dish out." she said, "Fine, but don't cry when you get hurt." I said smugly as I drew my sword and formed hand signs with a single hand, "Lightning Style: Thunder Clap and Flash!" I said as the blade became a long bolt of lightning, "Nice try sweetie, but you'll need to do better!" she said as she threw a kunai into my clone destroying it as I appeared behind her, "Henokami Kagura." I said as I slashed with my flaming sword, she spun around and kicked my blade away, for a split second her eyes looked like she was using the Cat's Eye Jutsu! 'SHARINGAN!' I thought as my eyes changed as she slashed at me, and in the reflection of her blade, I saw my new Sharingan eyes.

" I said as I slashed with my flaming sword, she spun around and kicked my blade away, for a split second her eyes looked like she was using the Cat's Eye Jutsu! 'SHARINGAN!' I thought as my eyes changed as she slashed at me, and in the reflection...

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"I did it!" I said happily as I dodged her attacks, "MIRA GET DOWN!" Setsuna Sensei shouted as she threw several kunai at me, I dodged, and a blade lunged forward from out of the bushes to impale me before a girl jumped out.

"I did it!" I said happily as I dodged her attacks, "MIRA GET DOWN!" Setsuna Sensei shouted as she threw several kunai at me, I dodged, and a blade lunged forward from out of the bushes to impale me before a girl jumped out

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"Man, I was hoping to kill a traitor today, but looks like I might start a war." the girl said as she cracked her neck and stretched, "Alright maybe if I kill you both quickly I can avoid a war!" she said, "Gait of pain..." she said as Setsuna Sensei and I charged at her, "Open." she said calmly as she dodged and appeared behind me, "SUMMONING JUTSU!" Setsuna shouted as two cats appeared on her shoulders, "SAGE MODE!" she shouted as her eyes became more feline, cat ears and whiskers appeared on her head and cheeks while a long black and grey coat appeared on her. "I am the Cat Sage of Misumata Forest, and I will not allow you to ever harm my student!" she said as she grabbed me and ran, "W-Why are we running? You're so strong Sensei! We can beat her!" I said, "Because I can't fight and protect you at the same time." Setsuna said, "But I don't need to be protected!" I protested, "Oh but you do. 'Cause compared to me, you're like super weak." the girl said as she axe kicked me out of Setsuna's arms, and once I hit the ground I struggled to remain conscious.

Setsuna POV

"MIRA!" I shouted as I watched her struggle to not only breathe but remain conscious, "You wanted a fight, fine, I'll not only fight you." I said as I appeared next to Mira and healed her so she could pass out safely before I draped my coat over her, "I'm going to destroy you, little girl!" I said coldly, "Oh? Well then, Gate of Closing, open." the girl said as her skin began to turn red, "SAGE ART!" I shouted as the young black cat on my right shoulder, Tsukomo, and the old orange cat on my left shoulder, Meiko, and I simultaneously formed hand signs, chakra claws appeared on my hands, and chakra paws emerged from the cats wielding razor-sharp claws, "Rending Claws." I said. We squared up with one another and then after a few moments we flew at one another. The girl threw a punch and I tried to impale her from above and below with all four arms, but she was faster. Before the girl could punch a hole through my chest I formed a chakra tail and caught her fist, "Oh! So you can do more than make paws? Can you become a big pussy-cat?!" the girl asked curiously playfully, "Those are ninja kitties, and I'm guessing that they are a big part of your transformation, so..." she said as she threw two punches, the air pressure was crushing and Tsukomo and Meiko dug their claws into my shoulders, but it wasn't enough. They were flung from my body and returned to Misumata Forest. My nature energy quickly ran out and I returned to normal, "Oh I just realized, I never told you my name. Sorry, that was rude." she said, "I'm Rika Sota. Now, rest in peace." Rika said as she raised her fist, suddenly Rika punched herself and I saw Mira struggling to sit up to put Rika under a genjutsu while wearing my coat, and then she passed out again.

Itachi POV

I put Rika and Setsuna under a genjutsu and staged the scene so it would appear that Mira cast the jutsu and I put her in her Sensei's coat. While I was staging the scene I left a necklace belonging to my mother bearing the symbol of our clan. "It's time to go home." Setsuna said as she picked up Mira, I quickly pulled Rika into the shadows, "Damn, she escaped! Oh well, I think it's time for you to take the next step in your training." Setsuna said as she carried my daughter back to their village.

Hidden in the Mist (male child reader X adoptive Mother Mei Terumi)Where stories live. Discover now