Chapter 8

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Mira POV

"OH SO NOW YOU'RE BACK! YOU DITCHED US FOR SIX MONTHS AND NOW YOU COME BACK! SCREW YOU!" Ashura snapped, "Yeah and we're leaving again in a few weeks. But before that, we're going on a mission. And this one is A-Rank, it's nothing too flashy or impressive, we're just gonna take some documents to Konoha." Setsuna said, "Oh no." I said in fear, "What? You seem nervous?" Hana said, "I am, see when I left Konoha to live with my mom...the woman taking care of me wasn't too happy. And when she sees me, she's going to kick my butt." I said, "Alright, well you girls have three hours to get yourselves prepared and say goodbye to your families." Setsuna said.

"I'm home!" I said as I entered Mei's house, "EARTH STYLE: PEBBLE BULLET!" (y/n) shouted as a pebble hit me in the head, "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I snapped, "(Y/N) I TOLD YOU NO NINJUTSU OR TAIJUTSU IN THE HOUSE!" Mei snapped, "Oh, welcome home Mira." she said, "Mei can I ask a favor?" I asked, "Sure thing kiddo, ask away." she said.

"LET'S GO!" I said as I joined my team, "What's gotten into you?" Setsuna Sensei asked, "Oh nothing, there's just a boy I'm excited to see again!" I said, "A BOY?! GET BACK HERE YOUNG LADY!" she shouted as she sprinted after me.

Days later we arrived at Konoha. "UNCLE!" I shouted as I tried to take my Uncle Kekashi's mask, "Mira, it's nice to see you again." Uncle Kekashhi said as he dodged, "It's been years! Let me see what's under the mask!" I said as I reached for the mask, "Nope, now if you'll excuse me." he said as he reached for his book, "I'm gonna give this to Auntie. She'll love to see that you gave her sweet, innocent, impressionable niece a book like this." I said, "No, please anything but that!" he said, "You know what I want!" I said.

"Huh, you're handsome, but...I don't know I was expecting more. 7/10." I said as I walked away with his wallet.

"What was that about?" Setsuna Sensei asked, "Oh just a little game I play with my uncle." I said, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some shopping to do." I said.

"Ok, I'm safe for now! Now where did I hide those magazines?" I said, "You mean these?" Auntie Kurenai said as she handed me my magazines, "Thank you...wait." I said, "Kekashi told me you were back, why wasn't I your first stop?" she asked, "I uh...have to run?" I said as she grabbed my arm, "I heard about your mother, I'm sorry dear." she said as she hugged me, "THERE YOU ARE!" Setsuna Sensei said as she grabbed me, "YOU DO NOT RUN OFF ON YOUR OWN! WHAT IF THE ANBU GOT SUSPICIOUS?!" she snapped, "Don't worry, she's always welcome here." Auntie Kurenai said.

"I don't like her. She's a Genjutsu specialist, they're all liars." Setsuna Sensei said, "Where are we going?" I asked, "Shopping, Ashura, and Hana are making friends. Figured this could be an opportunity for you to show me around before we go back to training." she said.

The next morning I went to train with Auntie while Sensei met with the Hokage. "Auntie, have you heard of something called sage mode?" I asked, "Sage mode? I heard stories of the first Hokage having that power and I know lord fourth had it as well, why do you ask?" Auntie Kurinai asked, "No reason." I said, "You're acting strange. Tell me have you been seeing things? Like a demon?" she asked, "What no why?" I asked, "It's your clan's Kekkei Genkai. I'm worried that it's awakening." she said, "My Sharingan? Yeah, it's awakened and a three-tome." I bragged, "Yu have two?" she said, "I'm talking about your birth mother's Kekkei Genkai. She was a member of the Kurama clan and could make genjutsu real." she said, "That's terrifying!" I said in shock, "It's not easy to control. But I know you can do it." she said, "Let's get back to training, I leave tomorrow and I promised to take my team to barbeque tonight." I said.

Before I left I placed myself under genjutsu and sealed my Kurama clan Kekkei Genkai. "I can't trust myself with that just yet.

(y/n) POV

"Ok sweetie, I have to the office, but your sitter will be here in a few minutes." Mama said as she kissed my cheek, "Be good, no genjutsu!" she said before leaving.

After waiting for an hour there was a knock at the door. I opened it and found several men wearing foreign headbands, "Come quietly and we won't hurt you." one of the men said as I began to close the door. I weaved hand signs and burseed through the door, "CHIDORI!" I shouted as I killed one of the men, suddenly a crow landed nearby. "I give up." I sighed before I got knocked out.

When I woke up my kidnappers were all dead, "Birdman!" I said as looked at the man who saved me who was sitting in the corner. "My name is Itachi Uchiha. I am your father, I am not birdman." he said, "Fight me, nerd." I said.

"What happened here?" Mama asked, "The Birdman." I said as I dangled upside down outside my house.

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