Chapter 2

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"Come on sweetie, you can do it." I said as (y/n) used boil release, it wasn't much, just a small bit of steam, but I was so proud. "Amazing. It's hard to believe it's only been three years since you took him in, Lady Mizukage." Chojuro said as I scooped (y/n) up, "Really? If I'm being honest I can't remember a time when I wasn't a mother. He changed my life." I said happily.

"My baby. A future shinobi." I said as (y/n) slept in my arms, "Mama." (y/n) muttered in his sleep. "Sweet boy." I said as I petted him.

Mira POV

"Mira, I think it's time you go out and find who it is you want to protect." Mom said, "Who I want to protect? Mom, you're not making sense." I said, "Sweetie, it's growing dangerous here. I can defend myself just fine, but even adding one person...I'm not strong enough to protect us both from my enemies. I'm sorry my love." She said sadly, "I'll check in on you when I can." she said as she hugged me, "I love you. You are my little girl don't you dare forget that." she said as she kissed my head, for the first time ever I felt my mother's tears as they fell gently on my head. She was always so strong and beautiful, but now she seemed so fragile. "M-Mommy." I said trying not to cry.


"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I shouted as I ran out to find my precious village in flames as an unknown force assaulted the innocents. "Get back, Lady Mizukage." a man said before he sprinted past me only allowing me a moment to gaze at him.

"Who are you?" I said softly, "KAMUI!" the man shouted as the flames of my burning village were sucked up, "RASENGAN!" he shouted as he cut down shinobi after shinobi with ease before slamming his Jutsu into an enemy killing them

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"Who are you?" I said softly, "KAMUI!" the man shouted as the flames of my burning village were sucked up, "RASENGAN!" he shouted as he cut down shinobi after shinobi with ease before slamming his Jutsu into an enemy killing them. "MAMA!" (y/n) cried as he clung to my leg in fear, "Shh, it's alright baby. We have a guardian on our side...I hope." I said as I watched the man slaughter and kill using powerful Jutsu with ease. He was so strong and it frightened me how my son took delight in watching him. I watched as the man engulfed his enemies in black flames that refused to be extinguished. I felt useless. I'm the Mizukage, and yet here I stood helpless. My own child has stopped looking at me as a pillar of strength and has looked at this mysterious man as the guardian of the village we call home. I'm pathetic.Suddenly the man was stabbed through his heart and vomited blood, suddenly (y/n)  formed hand signs and fired a  massive fireball at the enemy who stabbed his hero I looked at my son and found his sharingan activated with two tomoe. He looked angry, I barely recognized the child that I was looking at.

After sending (y/n) away I went to the man's side to ensure that he wouldn't die alone, "Sister, I-I saved them. I saved my village." He said as the light faded from his eyes and before long he left this world and his body turned to ash.

Hidden in the Mist (male child reader X adoptive Mother Mei Terumi)Where stories live. Discover now