Forever is not a number? Oh, then infinity.

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  The lesson was boring, that wasn't an opinion but a fact.

   Philosophy  was never her strong suit, however, she was fine with not understanding it. She saw no use in understanding other people's thought, to her: only her own thoughts mattered.

    She tried driving her attetion somewhere else in hopes of not sleeping. She would've slept if it weren't for Aizawa's eyes never leaving her body, it was as if he could sense her sleepiness from miles away. 

     Sitting behind Momo gave the girl a perfect view of the peppermint boy, it amused her to think how slim the chances were of todoroki literally having his dual hair parted in the middle. Although math was her strong suit due to her quirk, human anatomy always seemed to speak her insterest. 

      Somehow the light in the ceeling hit perfectly on Shoto's skin, a white hair hanged on the red side, telling the girl he probably didn't have time to get ready. He pulled his hair back and bit his lips as a confused expression hit the boy. He tapped the book with his pen, the view for his scar dissapeared  as he let his hair fall back.

           .....and before she knew it, she was in love. 

     Wait WHAT? She violently shook her head to get rid of the thoughts She couldn't be in love. She looked at her hands, gripping her hands tightly as her brain battled with her thoughts. 

       Her eyes then landed at her phylosophy book that was filled with latin words for her to understand. She read a paragraph then another, and another. 

       She couldn't focus, she began to breath heavily. LOVE? love. LoVe? nO, just no and no and no. NO.

      "Hey sweety? are you okay?" Momo looked behind her, worried for the girl.

        Please don't call me swe-

      "YEah, yeah," She took a moment to breath "I'm good, don't worry." She then smiled. The words didn't seem to work on Momo but still she smiled back, it wasn't her problem. Besides she didn't want to enlarge the distance between them. 

     She looked to the side avoiding Momo's stare, but before Momo could turn back Aizawa called their attention "(L/n), Yaoyorozu" She coughed regaining her stance as (Y/n) tried to quiet down her thoughts "What did Descartes say to prove his own existence?"

       What? Oh wait, phylosophy.

     Her eyes desparately searched for an answer on the board, only for the black haired man to smile "The answer ins't on the board. Next time pay more att-"

     "Are we talking about the french one? Well that's easy."

      I'm sorry, but I'm not letting you beat me this time, Aizawa.

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