Give me the goddamn stars

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Not me getting interested in a fanfiction and later realizing the author hasn't updated in a year 😃

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Not me getting interested in a fanfiction and later realizing the author hasn't updated in a year 😃

ah right, I should start writing this, or else I'm the author that doesn't post-


Why do you want the stars?

I mean- they pretty...


The girl slowly breathed the midnight air, grasping lightly on the towel that rested on her head.

After a day of endless drowning, she was tired, mentally tired. Denki, who she watched dissapear on the other side of the street, tried to teach her how to swim.

No matter how hard she tried, she would always sink to the bottom, maybe gods weren't made to swim, maybe they weren't made to enjoy the little things in life.

But everytime Denki would rescue her from the bottom of the pool he'd let out a small laugh. A laugh that saved her from not giving up, it was such a warm laugh in contrast to the cold swimming pool.

After Mina accidentally drowned (Y/n) she begged to pay for the girl's meal, in which Denki, Kirishima and Sero tagged along.

And as Denki, who took her out for some takoyaki after the meal, dissapeared into the dark street, she side glanced the house where her temporary guardian stayed.

She didn't want to go home, she didn't want to go sleep, she didn't want for tomorrow to come, she just wanted to lay down on the street and pretend the world didn't exist.

Pretend for a mere second that she was insignifican- oh wait, she was insignificant. The girl's brow furrowed. Who came to rescue her? No one, no one came.

Just Seth, she glanced up to the stars, he came, but why? Why did he? And why couldn't she remember him? Why?

She look towards the alley from the other side of the street, if she went there...would a villain rescue her from this boredom? Or would a thief rob her and in the end kill her?

So many possibilities, so little control. Why did she survive the fall? "I didn't even want to...."

"Want to what?"

Seth? Was he there to make her feel better? Oh what an angel on eart-

"Oh it's you" a sudden dissapointement hit the girl as she stared at the black haired insomniac, who only hummed, unfazed at the girl's dissapoi-

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