Midnight and coffee.

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      The girl confortably sat on the sofa as she turned on the TV. Aizawa was in the kitchen making popcorn for the both of them. The kitty snuggled closer to the girl who was covered in blankets.

      "WHAT DO YOU WANNA WATCH?" (Y/n) yelled as she searched for movies on Netflix.

      "You don't have to scream," The man arrived sitting on the other end of the sofa "I'm already here"

      "Ok so, whatchu wanna watch" 

      "You don't have to whisper" He groaned, snatching the controller from her hand, letting the girl grab a hand of popcorn before retreating. But before he could click on their favorite movie a knock echoed through the door.


       "No." He looked at her "Stalker?" She looked at him before taking all her blankets off her. Leaving the man to wonder who could be at the door this time of the night.

        "I'mma grab a knife" She silently fast walked to the kitchen as the man grabbed his scarf and headed for door. Opening the door stood Midnight with purple white-dotted pyjamas, under a black umbrella. 

        "Midnight?" (Y/n) blurted from the kitchen, with three knifes in hand.

        "What are you doing here?" Aizawa said as Midnight smiled, scratching her hair that was in a bun.

         "I couldn't sleep after today," She arkwardly looked at (Y/n) "So I was wondering if we could have a sleepover!" 

      Aizawa didn't seemed pleased, and (Y/n) had no reaction, just as she expected. She took from behind a white big paper bag "I brought fried chicken!" Midnight smiled singing the last word.

         "Let her in." (Y/n) walked towards the door, pushing Aizawa out of the way.

         "What—NO." Aizawa stated, Startling the girl who had already let Midnight in and grabbed a chicken from the bag " She gave us no warning she was coming"

         "I sent a text to you guys!" (Y/n) watched from the backscene as she munched on her fried chicken.

          "My phone was off" Aizawa groaned "And (Y/n)'s phone was broken."

         "Not her fault." (Y/n) barged in.

          "You're only defending her because she brought fried chicken!" Midnight slightly chuckled at Aizawa's outburst.

           "Well, you should consider bringing food if you want me to defend you" Aizawa groaned "Besides she's already here, she can sleep on the guest room." (Y/n) headed for the door closing it.

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