Love is such a bitter medicine, and I'll never take it.

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falling in love must hurt a lot more than falling from Heaven.


  It was still the night of the first day, and everyone was eating the food made by the mentors, unaware of the suffering from the next day. Tonight, they were happy.

    Well, kinda happy if we take on (Y/n). She had received inumerous complains from all the mentors on how she didn't give it her all, or how she should've "plus ultra" her way and helped her friends.

     So she was left with a warning.  All her life, she spent the years going pass her limits, and now, after years, she didn't have any. That's what they failed to see. They saw her as a teenager that didn't know anything, and that refuses to grow up. She was already grown up.

     After dinner, (Y/n) was giving a tantrum on the hot springs, something about taking off her towel in front of the girl's. "Taking off a god's clothing is DISRESPECTFUL!" (Y/n) held tight to the towel that wrapped her figure as Mina was ripping off her. 

     "You're just making that up!"

      "I'm not!"

       "And it's RUDE to dip the towel in the-" Mina yanked the towel, but failed taking it off the girl "WATER".

     "When in Rome do as the Romans do." Jirou said from the back, out of nowhere, completely taking the goddess' attention from Mina.

     "But that doesn't mean I should-" Mina successfully ripped the towel away from the girl "MINA!"

     "not my fault, you didn't pay attention" The girl glared at Mina, demanding her towel. However, Mina threw the towel across the room. Glaring at Mina, (Y/n) entered the hotspring, whining how they were so mean, and how she was lazy to go to the other side of the room.

      When all the girl's entered the onsen, a sudden silence took over the atmosphere, with a few jokes, laughter and comments that made it's way. It was peaceful, until (Y/n) heard Mineta's comments from the other side of the wall, something about watching the girl's if they climbed the walls.

     As Jirou and Uraraka scanned the walls for holes, or anytype of peeking, (Y/n) glanced up, in case they actually showed up, for a mere second her eyes met Kota's. With a blush from being caught, he immediately looked away, and a crash was heard on the other side. It was as if he was looking at something behind (Y/n)'s back, was it her scars?

         Mina and a few other's thanked Kota for saving them from Mineta, making the boy faint when he looked at them. 

      A slight cold touch on the girl's neck sent shivers down her spine, glacing at her back, Momo analysed the girl's scars.

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