Why can't I have my Sweets in Peace??

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↑↑Rain with cappuccino-Yorushika↑↑↑


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Chapter 9: Why can't I have my Sweets in Peace??


(Y/n) rushed through the door, leaving an Aizawa behind. She ran past people, and dodged a few kids. She felt someone near by, someone she knew.

Her smile got bigger as she saw a messy green hair. "DEKUUUU!!!!" the boy jumped at the call of his childhood name, he turned startled just in time to be hugged by the girl.

He blushed as he realised how close he was to her. (Y/n) quickly let go of the boy, the smile never faltering. The boy was a broken mess as he kept looking at his hands, his mind wondering back to the hug he received.

(Y/n) frantically waved in front of the boy, "I didn't break him, did I??". He looked at the girl, his face blushing harder. (Y/n) placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, asking if he was okay.

"YA-YEAH!" his voice broke receiving a giggle from the girl, she found it adorable how easily humans can fall. I mean, in love, of course.

Rain was pouring on the girl, but she played no mind. "Did you forget your umbrella?" the boy placed his umbrella over the girl.

"Oh, I always forget to bring one when I leave"

(Y/n)'s blue eyes glanced at his hand, a limited edition Fat Gum magazine, with a big signature on the front. (Y/n) eyes sparkled, excitement rushing over her, as she looked at her favorite hero's face.

"Holy Crap!!!! Is that-!" Izuku immediately picked up her excitement, as they both fangirled.

"It is!!!!!" They both began jumping from happiness, yelling some incoherent words at each other. People looked at them weirdly, but they payed no mind, seeing those people didn't have Fat Gum's signature.

Yes, only people with Totoro's signature was worth their time.

"How did you get it???" (Y/n) stared in awh at the magazine, as the boy happily explained his story, visibly happy to share his hobby with someone else.

Basically he bought the magazine, because of a special All Might interview inside. There was a signature event close by, and luckily he got most of the heroes signature, including Fat Gum.

They kept talking about heroes until they were met with Iida in his beautiful green raincoat, pressuring to get to school faster.

(Y/n) stood by the door, drying her hair, while the boys got ready in the lockers. Iida reassured everything was fine with his brother before they went to class.

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