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It's so weird that there are people who read my story

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It's so weird that there are people who read my story...like what?


    "Last week, 22th of June, an unusual announcement was made by Aito Suzuki, author of "The unordinary life of (y/n) (L/n), on his Twit page." The call of (y/n)'s name startled her, she turned, looking at Bakugou, who's eyes didn't leave the screen.

   "He claimed that the 'meteor' that fell on earth a few months prior wasn't in fact a stone but a person, through the week he made various accusations towards the Heroes."

      "But it wasn't recognized by the heroes until the said post blew up" Bakugou walked closer, his brows furrowed as he squeezed the remote controller in his hand.
        "Through his post he blamed various heroes for their inactivity, and some heroes for their false disclosure of information."

       "Various people claimed Fake news, seeing a normal person couldn't survive a fall of hundreds of meters."

      "However, the author claimed otherwise. He said that a god was banished from the heavens and thrown into this place called 'Hell' , with no way to go back, since her wings were burned"

     "Hence why on the footage taken by a nearby passager the 'person' is found burning. As to oppose the claims of Fake news, on June 28th, the author disclosed of personal information on the victim, including place of residence"

   "Various people weren't convinced, some even went as far as to call him a stalker for giving private information about the girl"

     Private information?

     (Y/n) slowly made her way to Bakugou, "Those information was claimed baseless by the public, claiming it could be just a normal person."

      "However, those information was proven to be true when the pro hero Endeavor, who came to speak to the media about such topic" the Tv switched from the Broadcaster to Endeavor who sat on a table.

      "He even went as far to catch photos of the subject–"

       "Bakugou give me the remote" the boys attention was taken from the TV to the girl.


        "Give me the remote" (y/n) slowly made her way to Bakugou, keeping an eye on the TV as Endeavor was questioned about the day, and why the heroes hadn't disclosed of that information sooner.


          "Just give me–" her speech was soon cut as saw Endeavor grab the photos from the table, she charged at Bakugou, who dodged the girl.

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