A magical girl! That's what I'll become!

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Just keep in mind that (Y/n) is overly rational, she will privilege facts and not believe things that don't have proof, so for example: if she was not a god herself or if she had not met other gods, she would be an atheist

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Just keep in mind that (Y/n) is overly rational, she will privilege facts and not believe things that don't have proof, so for example: if she was not a god herself or if she had not met other gods, she would be an atheist. It is partially her quirks fault, since it let's her know real facts and know when a person is lying.

     So she does not believe that stepping on cracks on the pavement can break her mom's back, but that doesn't stop her from stepping on every crack to see if it actually happens.


    Aizawa sat on the kitchen counter, watching the coffee he had on the table cool down. He would occasionally stir the coffee, letting his mind wonder to where (y/n) was, to the sound of the heavy rain hitting the window.

    The rain was heavier than usual, little rivers would flow down the street to the sewers. Anyone out there would be soaking wet. A knock echoed through the home, a sudden and unsual hope filled the man. Hiding the emotions behind a tired face, he opened the door  to see (Y/n), her (h/c) hair, her skin, her uniform were all filled with mud.

     She was hovering something that was wrapped around her jacket. "What happened? Are you okay?"  hoping she would answer all his question, he didn't make way for her to enter. 

   "yEah" her voice cracked, she arkwardly coughed and spoke again "yeah, I kinda tripped on my way here, and got mud all over me and" she unwrapped her coat to show a black kitty "I'm sorry" A look of pure confusion hit the man.

      "They only had black kitties" She almost shoved the cat on Aizawa's face "Apparently, people didn't buy them because they bring bad luck." She held the kitty closer to her chest "Which is totally irrational once you think about it"

    "But Why—"

    "It's an apology gift" She said again and shoved the kitty towards him, to which he just flinched "I shouldn't have blown up the way I did," she brought the kitty once again close to her chest as the kitty snuggled on her for warmth "I'm sorry, I know you heroes just want the best for everyone"

     "It's okay, we shouldn't have made a decision without your opinion" He looked down at the cat before looking back at the girl " Now, return it."

     "I can't! It loves me already!" She looked down at the kity who was now snuggling closer to the girl.

    "It's too much work"

     "It isn't!"

     "have you ever had a pet before?"

      "No, mom is againts those...." She looked to the side, a sudden depression hitting the girl


      "I—uhm" she stuttered glancing at the man who raised a brow "The only time I asked her if we could have a pet she said..." (Y/n) looked at the kitty in her hand " I wasn't worth having a pet, I wil—uh return it. Sorry." She turned and began walking in the rain, hiding the kitty inside her jacket.

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