Whatever you say, Brocoboy. Whatever you say.

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(Y/n) can get really anxious when she doesn't know the answer to some questions

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(Y/n) can get really anxious when she doesn't know the answer to some questions. That's her quirk's fault, since she always knew how to answer questions.

So yeah, her quirk is kinda of her destruction. It slowly breaks it's user without them noticing.


        It was a simple morning, with a few clouds in the sky along with some birds. After saying goodbye to Midnight, the man and the girl also left earlier for school.

     Aizawa had claimed to have some papers to deal with, so the girl decided to tag along and head to the school's library.

      They were both quiet, while the girl admired the view of the streets, the man wandered through his thoughts. "Why are you so quiet?"

   The girl took her attetion from the view to look at the man, who looked in confusion at her.

        "Hm, I've always been like this, no?" She smiled teasingly receiving a scoff from the man.

     She slightly laughed but continued speaking "Well, as a way to compensate my never ending lines of thoughts, I used to speak all the time to not drive myself insane"

        The man hummed in understanding at the girl, "I guess it worked a little"

        "You almost drived me insane" She giggle to which he slightly smiled, but the conversation ended as the spot the school from afar.

    And parting ways on the teachers office, (Y/n) entered the library, to see a familiar green headed boy, with a simple (f/c) hairpin holding part of his hair back.

        "That's a pretty hair pin, where'd you get it?" The girl had approached him and whispered into his ear, making the boy jump.

     But instead of a flustered expression—that she expected, he smiled turning his head towards her.

        "From a pretty girl" As if taking what he just said the both bursted into a flustered expression.

      (Y/n) tried hiding her flustered face, which caught the freckled boy attetion. This is the first time he say her in such a mess, had no one flirted with her before? How? She is so pretty...

        He cutted his own line of thought, slowly he grabbed her hands taking them away from her face so he could see her better. "Do you always come to the library at this hour?"

    Trying to take her mind off of what just happened, Midoriya spoke, still keeping their hands together.

          "I- uh" (Y/n) tried to formulate a sentence but all she got out was a bunch of incoherent words. The boy smiled even more to see the girl in a messy state, afterall, it's not something you see everyday. 

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