Chapter 12

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Ash pov

Today is the I will show that Camel his place in this world. I am making my way towards the battle field.

"Today is the match between Ash Ketchum and Calem Xavier both trainers already on the battle field. "....said Announcer.


"Go Tailonflame"...said Calem as his Fire and flying type pokemon emerged from his pokeball.

" Garchomp I choose you ".... I said as my loyal pokemon came out.

" Begin "....said Refree.

" Tailonfalme Brave bird "....said Calem.

" Catch it ".... I said calmly.

" Fool ".... Calem said while grinning.

Tailonfalme came towards Garchomp with covered in blue Aura. But Garchomp caught his wings.

The smile of Calem's face vanish.

" Now Garchomp Dragon pulse".... I said and Garchomp fired dragon pulse from his mouth instantly defeating Tailonfalme.

"Tailonfame is unable to battle Garchomp won. Send your next pokemon"....said Refree.

"Go Meawstic"...said Calem as he sent his Pokemon.

" Begin"....said Refree.

" Use Psybeam"....said Calem.

"Cancel out with fire blast".... I Said

Meawstic released a Psychic type beam towards Garchomp but Garchomp easily cancel it with his fire blast.

" Now use night slash"... I said.

Garchomp covered his claws in Dark type energy and Slash Meawstic defeating her instantly.

"Meawstic is unable to battle Garchomp won. Send your next pokemon"....said Refree.

"Go  Jolteon"...said Calem as he sent his Pokemon.

" Begin"....said Refree.

" Jolteon use swift"....said Calem.

"Garchomp Dodge and use Dragon claw"... I said

Jolteon sent stars towards Garchomp but Garchomp easily Dodge it and Slash Jolteon with dragon claw.

"Jolteon is unable to battle Garchomp won. Send your next pokemon"....said Refree.

"Go Tyrantrum"...said Calem as he sent his Pokemon.

" Garchomp return"... I returned Garchomp.

"Infernape I choose you "..... I sent out my pokmon.

" Begin"....said Refree.

"Tyrantrum  use rock throw"....said Calem.

" Dodge them and all use Mach punch ".... I said.

Tyrantrum slam his tail in ground by which many rocks flew towards Infernape but he Dodge them all deliver a heavy Mach punch to him.

"Tyrantrum is unable to battle infernape won. Send your next pokemon"....said Refree.

" Go Absol"... Said Calem.

"Begin" .... Said Refree.

In VIP box

3rd person pov

"Go Ash Go, Go Infernape Go".... A certain Honey blonde is Cheering for them.

" You are happy that  he is winning easily "....said Grace

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