Chapter 4.

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Ash pov.

Serena was very happy when I defeat that Eric but why did she support him and be his girlfriend all that time before. I should ask her.

I made my way to pokemon center and give nurse Joy my pokemon for daily check up.

"You look very happy when I defeat him"....I said to serena who was sitting with our group.

"Yeah you know he was trash talking about Ash"....she said but I know that not only reason she was hiding something.

"I know it's not the only reason"....I said as Bonnie give her concerned look.

"I am not comfortable talking about it"....she said and I nodded.

"Do you really don't want whereabouts of Ash"....she asked after a silence.

I wondered why see want to me that badly.

"No I don't but you can talk to me anything like you do with"....I said.

"No one can take Ash's place in my life not even his own brother "....she shouted with tears in her eyes.

'Why , why she always react like that. Did she really love me till now'....I thought.

"Oh I am sorry it's just Ash is the reason I am living"....she said and I nodded.

'its confirm she really love me'.... I thought.

Then the nurse Joy come and give me my pokemon to me and we left.

"I have a deal"....I told to her.

"What deal"....she asked.

"If you promise me to tell everything about what happened to Ash I will help you to find him after the tournament" ....I said.

"Ok deal"....she said as she smile.

"So what you want to know"....she said.

"Not so fast we will take it smoothly"....I said.

"So where do you live "....I asked her.

"I live in thr dorm provided by tournament authority".....she said.

We walked to her dorm as she went inside with a smile. I returned to home.

Grace pov.

"Looks like it"....I said as I reached Ash's house of Jubilife city.

I knock on door and Delia opened the door and I give her a hug which she returned.

"Hello how are you delia"....I asked her as we parted from hug.

"Good what about you"....she said.

Then we went inside and met Red. Delia told me about his promotion as I congratulate him.

"I know didn't drop by to say Hey so what's the matter".... said Red

"Yeah it's just whenever Ash left her she was completely destroyed and broken so I just came to tell him to revive the spirit of serena"....I said.

"It's not complete truth"....Red said as I nodded.

"Yeah "....and I told what happened to her and there love that day.

"He will hurt serena again so I just here to ask Ash to be with Serena and save her."....I said.

"Well we don't know where is Ash "....Red said and Delia nodded which make me sad "but I saw serena in the group of our elder son Kai and he can help her in find Ash"....he continued.

Then we chatted about for sometime.

"I should go now serena must be home"....I said

"Ok come again but with Serena"....said Delia.

"Yeah I will "....I said and I went towards our dorm.

I entered and saw serena sitting there but not in her usual sad and broken look but with a face shining with smile.

"Hey sweety"....I said.

"Mom"....she said and give me a hug

"You look happy"....I said at which she nodded.

"Yeah you know whom I met"....then she told me everything from her first encounter with Kai and tomorrow deal

"It's great"....I said.

I prepared dinner. After sometime we finished our dinner and went to sleep.

"Thanks Kai "....I said to myself.

Now after all those year I am genuinely happy.

Serena pov.

It is night time and I was having a bad dream. I woke up. I checked time.

"It is only 12:49 "....I said as I walked out of room and made my way to park and sat there gazing the stars.

Then I took out a photo from my pocket it was the picture we took at the Shalour city gym during our kalos journey.

"Why are you sitting there"....I hear a voice behind me. I turned to see kai is standing there.

"I am looking at moon"....I said as I resume my actions.

"Any specific reason"....he asked.

"Yeah Ash thought me by this we can feel we are at home because that moon can be seen from there. I think ash is also looking at it"....I said at which he laughed.

"You sure he must be sleeping"....he said laughing.

"Talk about ruining the mood"....I said.

"Jokes aside. You are right"....kai said "he is looking at it now"

I smiled and we sat there in silence.

"You should take some rest I have to be in stadium early morning "....he said as he stand and walked away.

I took a last glimpse of moon and smile and walked to my room.

Chapter 4 end

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