Chapter 1

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Ash and his family is going to Jubilife city for the tournament. Past 5 months ash do nothing but train w ith his father. He also went for different places in search for megastones and now he can mega evolve many pokemons.

Ash pov

I am in my fathers jet which he borrowed from pokenation for Jubilife city.  I am with my father this time and I will win.

After sometime we reached Jubilife city and walk towards pokemon center. Mr Robert is waiting for us in pokemon center.

"Hello uncle"....I greeted uncle Robert.

"Hello my little pokemon master"....said uncle Robert as me and mom started giggling.

"Did I say something funny"....asked uncle Robert confused.

"No it's just that my mom used to call me that whenever I return from a journey"....I said as uncle Robert smiled.

"Ok so I bought a peice of land at which your all pokemons can roam freely and you can train them"....said uncle Robert

Then we sit in mr Robert cars and he drove us to our new home. It is look like a farm with a house and a vast area of land.

"Do you like it ".... uncle Robert asked .

"It is awesome uncle "....I said.

We went inside the house and put our belongings and mom went to kitchen and started preparing food as uncle Robert already bought everything for house as well as stuff for food.

We ate food and went to explore the city. It is now getting dark.

"Ok so be ready by 7 am tomorrow".... said uncle Robert.

"Why "....I asked then uncle Robert smile towards me.

"Tomorrow is the opening ceremony of tournament and I have introduce sinnoh to there supreme commander"....said uncle Robert.

I smiled and my dad thanked him for everything . We invited for dinner which he accepted and follow us to kitchen and sat on chair of dining table.

We ate food and mr Robert thanked and went for tomorrow preparation.

I ran to my and slept while smiling.

Grace pov

I was inside the kitchen preparing breakfast.

"Looks like serena is still sleeping "....I said to myself as I walked to her room.

"Serena honey wake up"....I said as she starting waking up and give me a hug.

She was completely devastated when he left her. It was not his fault nor her fault but a plan. After that she never smile and always sad and sometimes she cry in night so I have to sleep beside her.

"Honey I have prepared breakfast come down fast"....I said as she nodded and I went downstairs.

I went to kitchen take my cup of coffee and start watching news then something caught my eye.

"The world pokemon battle tournament will held in Jubilife city in Sinnoh region in 2days. There will be many trainers like champion favourites, league winners , etc.

This time for chief guest we have president of pokenation Mr Robert Shinji and Supreme commander of Kalos and Sinnoh army Mr Red Ketchum."....the news said as I spit my coffee out.

Red is going to be there so it is possible he will there so I can meet him and tell him truth. My thoughts are cutted bt news anchor.

"We get a news from our sources that the son of Mr Ketchum , Ash Ketchum will participate in tournament"....said news anchor

"So he will there I should go to sinnoh with Serena "....I thought as serena came.

"Hey mom what the news"....she said in a lifeless tone.

By now I am use of it but it still hurt me.

"There is a tournament in Sinnoh after 2 days you should pack your clothes we are going"....I told her as her mouth open agape.

"But why I have no more intrest in pokemon battles "....said serena as tears formed in her eyes which hurt me.

"We should go because the supreme commander of kalos and Sinnoh army will there we can get to meet him."....I lied because it is not real reason behind it.

"Ok"....she said and start eating food she finish her food

She went upstairs in her room for packing I also start packing. After packing I give a call to prof sycamore.

"Hello prof sycamore here"....said prof from other side.

"Hey professor it's me grace"....I said to him

"Hello grace how are you and how is serena."....asked prof.

"She is good but no change at all"....I said at which he sigh sadly.

"Why did you call me"....asked prof.

"Prof I need a favor "....I said "you know there is a tournament in Sinnoh in which he is going to participate so I was thinking can accompany us with you serens will certainly be happy"

"That no problem I am also going there with diantha. We will leave tomorrow morning. Be at my lab on 8 am."....he finished.

"Ok thanks professor"....I said as I disconnect call.

"Serens honey we will leave tomorrow why don't you go and meet bonnie"....I said to her. She was still in her room. After that happened to her she didn't go out with friends. Only bonnie can comfort her.

She came of her room and went towards main door.

"Ok mom see you later"....said serena and she left towards lumiose city.

I was sad after seeing her like that everyday. I can only pray to God that ash can understand. 'Please ash you are the one who can change her'....I said to myself and say on couch.

Serena pov

I was still sad but mom is right I should meet bonnie she can cheer me up.

"I miss him it is fault I fell for that"....I said to myself.

I reached lumiose city and make my way towards prism tower. I entered and told clembot and he opened the door. I entered the door to find bonnie is playing tag with dedenne and luxray and Clemont is working on some machine.

"Hey bonnie ".... I greeted her.

Bonnie saw me and ran towards me and give me a hug. Then Clemont come and greet.

"Hey "....said Clemont.

"Hey "....I said to Clemont. After that incident Clemont and bonnie are those who always support me.

"Hey serena I am going to sinnoh to compete in the tournament ".....said Clemont. He can compete he is a gym leader after all ok so I have someone who I can cheer.

"Why don't you come".....said bonnie cheerfully.

"Actually my mom told me we are leaving tomorrow morning for sinnoh with prof sycamore ".....I said as they both smile.

"We are also going with prof sycamore"....said Clemont

"Great so I can be with Bonnie as much as I want"....I said with a fake smile.

Then we chatted and take a walk in lumiose city. It started to dark and I went towards Vaniville town and reached home.

"Hey honey how is your day" mom asked.

"Good mom"....I said as I hug her.

We ate dinner and I told her about my day and compete of Clemont. Then I went to my room and laid on my bed.

'sorry Ash please forgive me '....I said to myself as a tears streak down my eyes.

Chapter 1 end

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