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3rd person pov

A boy of age 18 is standing on the dangerous mountain in whole region Mt Silver which is full of wild and strong pokemon. A yellow rodent is on his shoulder and a blue bidepal pokemon standing beside.

"You still miss her "....said the bidepal pokemon through aura.

"Yeah it is hard to believe she did that. some part of my heart says those are not her words"....said his trainer

"Ash Pikachu lucario food is ready "....called the trainers mom.

Ash pov

I was standing on mt silver cliff and thinking about her. My buddy Pikachu is on shoulder and Lucario is standing beside me.

"You still miss her"....said lucario as he see what I am thinking by his aura.

Lucario is one of my strongest pokemon. In my time on mt silver I catch more pokemons I can mega evolve them. All of my pokemon are fully evolved. I can also use aura for healing myself or someone else and can use it for self defence.

"Yeah it is hard to believe she did that. some part of my heart says those are not her words"....I said to lucario.

Something tells me that she did not want to tell those but she have for some reason but I don't know it.

"Ash Pikachu Lucario food is ready "....called my mom

Besides all those disturbance in weather and wild Pokemon my mom is always here with me to support me. My dad is a general of pokenation army it is a group who fight criminals and disband criminal groups.

"Coming "....I said as I walked towards my house my pokemon helped me to built it. As I reach in front I went to check on my pokemon. They all eating my mom give everyone there food.

"They all are eating come sweety daddy is about to come" mom said as she went inside.

My dad always join us for lunch. When he hear about me he came in pallet town and encourage me then he teach me for 6 months but after that he had to go to head quarters but he teaches me when he get time.

I also went inside as we sat on bench and waited for dad. After 5 min dad came and came to me and mom and sat in chair.

"Sorry I am late Mr Robert call me for something " dad said as he open his bag and gave me a box and letter.

"What are these "....I asked in confusion because I didn't told him to bring me something nor mom.

"I have two news and both are good news "....said dad smiling

"What Red honey what are the news"....asked mom as she is happy.

"First for ash and you "....said dad

"What's dad "....I asked because it is good news but for me and mom.

"Mr Robert promote to the supreme commander of whole Kalos and Sinnoh army "....said dad I was shocked same with mom he became the supreme commander but of 2 regions.

"He give me kanto's army also but I can't balance army of 3 regions so I refused"....said my dad "and here is the best part I can be home as much as I want "

I was completely shocked that was indeed a great news but for mom she was smiling maddely and kissing dad she was the most happy person in house.

"It means that we can live together with my little family in one house"....said my mom.

I remember when she told me about dad and how badly she wanted him at home. At that time my father was a soldier in army but not ordinary soldier he was top and strongest then he got a promotion and become general and he started to came by time to time to meet us.

I can not let down my parents they do so much for me mom leave her job and her house pallet town for me and dad he ask for a leave for me but for that he got demotion but mr Robert is a good man he also encourage me and cheer me in my dark time. I was taken out of my thoughts as mom asked something.

"So what is 2nd news and what is inside this box and letter"....asked mom at which dad chuckle.

"You ask same question in two ways"....said dad. I didn't get it nor mom.

"That box is the 2nd good news "....said dad as me and mom understand what he said.

"In these boxes are the latest gadget of pokenation scientists. In a fight or mission we can't use phones "....said my dad "by this gadget we can call them report them and even can
give them our position"

"Wow "....said my mom as stars in her eyes.

"This gadget will come for ordinary people in market after 5 years"....said dad "but mr Robert give these two for you two "

"But what are these use for us "....I said as mom nodded

"By these you can track each other check weather forecast latest report a map of all regions with directions to nearest Pokemon center"....said dad as we nodded " it is a watch type tool by which you don't have put these in pocket like phone or switch off like ear bug and it is charged by sun light so you don't have to worry about anything "

My dad elaborate about that gadget and my mom is exited but my eyes is fixed on letter it has a pokemon league mark and signature of mr chales goodshow.

"Dad what about this letter"....I asked

"It is for you "....said dad "open it".

Dear Ash

I believe that Red had give you your present. But I have a surprise for you. You told me what happened to you because made me your best friend so a friend is have to do something for another friend. So here it is.

Mr goodshow has organised a pokemon tournament in which any can participate if he has minimum 8 badge. The tournament is in Sinnoh region . Red told me you have been training for two years straight and have strong pokemon. So anything special you want to do after become that strong. I talked with mr goodshow and he said me that he will send each and everyone who hurt you. You can take your revenge on them.

For your pokemons and family pokenation has booked a room so big that you can realese your pokemons in that . Just kidding we bought a land on which a two storey building and a big backyard. But as for your special guest we booked a room. It is a trap they will think that all there expense will be done by pokemon league so they will definitely come. Ah I am sounding like a criminal master mind.

Ps Okay see you in tournament.

Mr Robert Shinji

"Wow uncle do so much for me "....I said as tears rolled down my eyes. Mom and dad are smiling towards me.

"Dad"...I said as dad see towards me.

"I had only 5 months so train me as hard as you can "....I said with a determined tone .

"Pika pi ( yeah )"....said Pikachu

Dad then see in my eyes..."as you wish but first we have to set your holocasters and have dinner we will start your training from tomarrow"....said dad

Then we ate dinner and dad tells us about how to use these devices. Then I went in my room to sleep .

Prolouge end

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