Chapter 2

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The beautiful morning in Sinnoh region. A raven haired boy is sleeping peacefully. A yellow rodent is sleeping on other side of bed.

Ash pov

I woke up at 5 am and wake pikachu up.

"Time for training buddy "....I said as pikachu woke up and give me smile.

I walked downstairs and see mom is sleeping but dad is up.

"Ready for train , boy"....said my dad as he saw me.

"I am born ready"....I said to him as we both walked out the house to the back yard and start doing exercise.

All of our pokemons are doing great even our snorlax is running at good speed as for speedy Pokemon like greninja, lucario etc these are incredible.

After sometime exercises it is now 6 and we decided to spar. Both of our Charizard fly to battlefield. They both have a friendly rivalry.

(In my fanfiction Pokemon can use more than 4 moves)

"Ok so lets do it ".... I said as we walked to trainer box.

"Ok Draco let's do it"....said my dad to his Charizard whose Nick name is Draco.

"Ok Charizard start things with dragon claw"....I said as my Charizard claw become surrounded by green energy and he dashed towards my dad's Charizard.

"Quick counter by dragon tail"....said my dad as Draco's tail become surrounded by same same green energy.

Both the attacks colloided by both of their power a wave of air realeased and sparks can be seen.

"Now charizard use flame burst from point blank range"....I said.

Ash's charizard realese a ball of fire from his mouth which hit Red's Charizard and he slide back.

"Great son you caught me off guard but we are far from end"....said my dad and I smile.

"Ok Draco use Flame thrower"....said my dad.

"Counter with your flame thrower"....I said.

Both Charizard realese a stream of fire from their mouth and collided at center. As flame down Ash's Charizard burst out of flames and used dargon pulse from point blank range.

"You ok Draco "....asked dad to his Charizard.

"My my you have become very strong "....said dad

"Thanks we have been training non stop"....I said.

"Ok Draco use fire blast then point blank range dragon rage"....commanded my dad.

Draco realese a fire ball which converted into a 大 sign and colloid with Ash's which flew back by dragon rage.

"Charizard you okay"....I asked at which charizard thumbs up.

"Now Draco use Flame thrower".... said my dad.

"Charizard use thunder to punch through cut and then hit him.

Draco launch flame thrower as charizard used thunder punch through it. He took damage but he completely go through it and use thunder punch on Draco. Draco took 4 thunder punch as sparks flew around his body.

"Use dragon tail"....said my dad.

"Quick fly away"....I said but it is too late as charizard took the dragon tail but stand again.

"Good use smoke screen "....I said as charizard covered the battlefield with black smoke. My dad is confused but my next command made him worry.

"Now use dragon pulse "....I said.

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