Chapter 19

716 19 8

3rd Pov

"Begin".... Said Refree

" Hydriegon use Dragon rush"... Said Eric.

"Garchomp block with Dragon claw".... I said

Hydriegon covered his body in Green aura and rushed toward Garchomp. Garchomp coverd his claws in green and block Dragon rush.

" Dragon pulse".... Said Eric.

"Use Dragon tail".... I said

Hydriegon fired a Dragon energy from his mouth towards Garchomp but Garchomp block it with dragon tail and swing his tail and hit hydriegon on head slamming in ground.

" Hydriegon stay strong than use Crunch".... Said Eric.

"Garchomp use Steel wing "....i said.

" Hydriegon catch it ".... Said Eric.

Garchomp coverd his wing in steel energy and rushed towards Hydriegon but Hydriegon catch it with Crunch.

" Now Garchomp use Dragon pulse "....i said.

Garchomp fired a pint blank range Dragon pulse which hit Hydriegon and flew back.

Hydriegon stand up but struggling.

" Show them your power "said Eric.

'What's that I felt dark Aura from Hydriegon body. Don't tell me Hydriegon can also use Dark power of Team Rainbow Rocket"... I thought.

Hydriegon unleashed a battle cry and a faint little dark aura surrounded his body

" Garchomp this is going to be serious don't hold back any longer ".... I said in a quite voice only Garchomp can hear.

" Hydriegon this is our win use Dragon pulse"... Said Eric.

"Garchomp use Dragon pulse too"... I said.

Both Pokemon fired Dragon pulse and both move colloid. But Garchomp started weakning his move and eventually got hit by Hydriegon Dragon pulse.

" Now use Dragon rush then Hyper beam".... Said Eric

Hydriegon rushed towards Garchomp with an amazing speed and hit Garchomp with Dragon rush then used Hyper beam.

"You are going down Ketchum.".... Said Eric and I only smiled.

" Now Garchomp Dragon claw".... I said.

Garchomp unleashed his Battle cry which shoke the whole stadium and cleared dust cloud around him and hit Hydriegon with Dragon claw before anyone else can see.

"Hydriegon how".... Said Eric shocked and Frightened.

" He is monster ".... Said Eric

" Huh if you telling my Garchomp monster what would you call my Charizard then"... I said as I smiled

"Hydriegon use Dark Impact".... Said Eric.

{A\N some of moves are made by me for Shadow pokemons}.

" Garchomp do it now ".... I said.

Hydriegon coverd his body for completely in dark power and dashed towards Garchomp to hit him. Garchomp used Dragon claws to stop him and hit Hydriegon with Dragon tail and flew up then Garchomp nose dive with Dragon Rush on Hydriegon defeating him.

"Hy..Hydriegon is.... Unable to battle Gar... Garchomp wins".... Said Refree

" Hydriegon return, Go Dragonite"... I said.

"Garchomp return, Pikachu Go".... I said and returned my Garchomp

" Draganite sword dance"... Said Eric.

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