Chapter 14

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Ash pov

Today is the third match of Semi final. Only 2 matches are left. After that 4 trainers will battle for fighting in finals.

Today is Gary Vs Sakaki.

Gary is a strong trainer but sakaki is full of mysteries. He even didnt show his pokemon true power until.

'Who is this Sakaki? '... I was thinking.

"What are you thinking about Ash? "..... asked my dad.

I was sitting in backyard after completing morning training.

" About the mysterious participant of tournament Sakaki. I got a evil presence near him something is not good with him. ".... I said to my dad.

" You are right he is indeed evil and mysterious but we know him good enough. ".... My dad said.

" We know him?  How? "..... I asked my Dad.

My dad turned me tension started building and started talking.

" He is....... "

Time Skip.

We are sitting in VIP box. Match between Gary and Sakaki is about to start.

"Hey Ash"... Lance said to me.

" Hey lance. "... I said.

" Why are you here? "... He asked me.

I didn't understand what he is asking and why.

" What do you mean?  Can't he come here. ".... Asked Cynthia.

" No thats not what I mean,  when i asked Serena about Ash. She told that Ash will not likely come here to watch matches he has a lot of training to do he woke up at least at 10 in morning. But today he is here at 8.".....said Lance.

I woke up at 4 in morning after training i go into bed at 7 so no one can say i was training because i can't reveal about Z mega power to anyonanyone

"You are right lance but this match is interesting "..... I said.

" Because of Gary? ".... Asked Alder.

" No because of Sakaki"... I said which confused everyone.

"Him whats interesting about him?"..... Asked Steven

" I didn't know  much either but he is full of mystery and he even didn't show his pokemon full power".... I said.

Everyone started to think. Then the door open and reveal My family and friends.

"Hey Guys."... I greeted them.

" Ash why are you here".... Asked Serena.

"For watching match"... I said.

Then we were Intrupted by Refree.

Gary and Sakaki. Both are at the battlefield.

3 rd person pov.

"Trainers send out your pokemon. "... Said Refree.

"Let's go Nidoqueen. ".... Gary said as he sent out his pokemon.

Sakaki just threw his pokeball and kangaskhan is appeared.

" Start"... Said Refree.

"Nidoqueen use mega punch".... Said Gary.

"Kangaskhan use mega punch too."... Said sakaki.

Both pokemon covered their hands in white aura and rushed towards each other. Both of their fists clashed but Nidoqueen overpowered Kangaskhan and puch him back. Then Nidoqueen lounge forward and give a strong mega punch to Kangaskhan and threw him back.

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