Chapter 18

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Ash pov

Today is the match between me and Eric.

' Lets see how powerful he really is.'... I thought.

"Trainer Ash ketchum and Eric please make your way to the battlefield".... I heared Refree.

I started walking to battlefield. I stand in my trainer box and look towards Eric. I presence a dark aura from one of his Pokeball.

'So he is one of them Dad was right. This is gonna be tough. Looks like I will have to use Z mega power. '... I thought.

Announcer:  Welcome to the first Semi finals match of this tournament. The battle between Ash Ketchum and Eric

"Please bring out your pokemon".... Said Refree.

" Ursaring let's go ".... Said Eric.

" Snorlex I choose you ".... I said.

" Begin"... Said Refree

"I will show you the way of defeat use Hammer arm".... Said Eric

" Snorlex use mega punch".... I said

Ursaring arm shining white as he made his way towards Sonrlex. Snorlex use Mega punch and clash with ursaring. Both pokemon pushed back.

"Use Focus blast".... Said Eric.

" Snorlex spin and deflect it".... I said

Ursaring form a ball of energy between his palms and threw at Snorlex. Snorlex started to spin at very fast speed and crush the focus blast in small pieces deflect towards ursaring.

"Ursaring use Dynamic punch".... Said Eric.

" Snorlex counter with mega punch "...i  Said

Ursaring dashed towards Snorlex and punch but snorlex hit him with mega punch. Both pokemon flew backwards. Both are looking pretty weak.

" Ursaring use Hyper beam".... Said Eric.

"Snorlex spin while using Giga impact"... I said.

Ursaring charged and fired a beak from his mouth. Snorlex covered himself with energy and dash towards Ursaring and meet hyper beam in the way. But by spining Giga impact didn't directly hit Hyper beam it was just little side wards and make it's towards Ursaring defeating him.

"Ursaring is unable to battle Snorlex wins. Trainer please send your next pokemon"... Said Refree.

"Go Hitmonlee ".... Said Eric.

" Snorlex use mega punch ".... I Said

" Hitmonlee dodge then mega kick ".... Said Eric.

Snorlex use mega punch on hitmonlee but he dodged and hit snorlex with Mega kick sending him back.

" Snorlex use thunder bolt".... I said.

"Dodge then use Sky upercut".... Said Eric

Snorlex unleash thunder from his body but Hitmonlee dodge then hit ursaring with sky upercut.

" Snorlex use rest".... I said.

Snorlex slept but his injuries started to recover.

"Use high jump kick while he is sleeping"... Said Eric

" Sleep talk"... I said

Snorlex moved while he was sleeping he hit Hitmonlee with a point blank aura sphere.

VIP box.

"How can Snorlex learn  Aura sphere".... Asked Bonnie.

" I think because of sleep talk".... Said Serena.

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