Chapter 17

735 17 3

3rd Pov.

Alain and Alex's match was so amazing. Everyone in the VIP box was amazed.

"Let's go guys ".... Said Gary.

" Yeah lets go".... Said Paul.

Everyone exited the VIP box and made their way to pokemon centre.

They reached the pokemon centre and greet both trainers.

"That was awesome".... Said Gary as he high five with alain and Alex.

" Thanks".... Both said.

"You boys have grown considerably".... Said Robert

" Yeah you were great".... Said Red

"Now I have to tell our soldiers to train more because I don't want our organization to lag behind them "..... Said Robert.

" You both let them rest they just fought a battle".... Said Delia.

"What about if we eat something first".... Said Ash.

" Pika pi".... Said Pikachu

Then Ash and Pikachu ran towards cafe and order food. Everyone followed him quietly.

Ash pov.

There match was amazing I skip my training for that but i dont have much time now.

We finished eating and was walking to home. This is already evening.

"So when will we start"....i asked Dad and Uncle Robert when everyone was not focusing.

" You may do whatever you want till 9 then we will start"....said Dad

"Yeah your match is after 2 days so be prepared that Eric boy might have a shadow a pokemon or something similar"..... Said Uncle Robert.

" Yeah "... I said as we went home.

I was sitting in living room. Serena, Bonnie and Clemont came to me.

" Hey Ash ".... Said Serena

" Hey guys ".... I said.

" We just wondering if you want to go on a walk. ".... Said Clemont

" Walk ? It is almost time for dinner ".... I said.

" We will camp in forest and prepare dinner there like old days "..... Said Bonnie.

" Sounds great".....i said.

"Let's go Pikachu".... I said.

Pikachu jump on my shoulder and we all started to walk towards Mt Coronet.

We were walking towards the Mountain. It is already dark.

" This place is good. Let's camp here. "... Said Clemont.

" Ok, guys come out ".... I said as I threw my pokeballs. Hawlucha, Goodra, and Noivern came out. Everyone also release there pokemon.

The pokemon were playing and we all are preparing for dinner. Me and Bonnie are setting tables while Serena and Clemont were preparing dinner.

We all ate dinner like old times we used to eat.

"It takes me back".... Said Serena

" Yeah the time when we all travelled together to achieve our goal".... I said

"Yeah it is relaxing eating together like old times".... Said Clemont.

Our pokemon also agreed with us. We finished our dinner and started to pack everything.

We were packing and planning to leave for house. It's already 8:30 and I have training at p pm. We started to walk towards our hoise then something came in my mind.

"Hey Guys"... I said as they all look at me

" Yeah Ash "... Said Clemont.

" What's the matter ".... Said Serena.

"I was just wondering why did you suddenly choose to camp like that, it's not that I don't like it but still I am curious".... I asked.

Then suddenly the time stop and space portal is started to open.

" Arceus what are you doing here and what is this".... I asked.

" they are the not one who took you here, I was the one ".... Said Arceus.

" Why you can talk to me anywhere ".... I asked

" Yeah I can but this place and time has a specific role in destiny"... Said Arceus

Before I can ask him any question the portal is closed and Arceus left. The time was 11'O clock.

'What is the meaning of this'.... I thought.

'What kind of specific role'.... I asked to myself.

I couldn't think any of the possibility so I leave it and to Serena Bonnei and Clemont to their house with help of my pokemon.

After dropping everyone at their house I returned to my house and went to training. Before training I I told my father about everything but he also had no clue.

"What could be that specific role"... My father said.

" Don't know myself ".... I said.

" young man we can worry about it later, first you have a match to win tomorrow I don't think it will be easy there is a highly chance that you can come face to face with the shadow evolve Pokemon so you have to prepare and give last try to your z mega power"

" yah I agreed that Eric guy have strong Shadow Pokemon in his Arsenal"... Said father.

"Yeah i have to win tomorrow".... I said

My training was started  I was trying to control the power of Charizard z but it was to and dangers strong power.

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