Chapter 15

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Ash pov

Today is the one of the match i was eager to watch. Today is the match between Alain and Alex.

We are all going to VIP box but Alain and Alex.

"Show us a battle like no one would forgot"....i said to them.

" You bet".... Said both and went away.

Alex Pov

'This is gonna fun'... I said to myself.

I am now on the battle field inside my trainer box. I am gonna face Alain. Alain is a strong trainer and he beat me only 3 times while i beat him 5 times.

This semifinal is between 2 best friends and rivals.

I unclip a pokeball from my belt and large it.

"Lets go Ninetails .... "

Alain Pov

'the battle between 2 friends '....i thought

"this would be fun".....i said as i brought out my pokeball.

"go Bisharp"...i sent out my pokemon

3 rd POV

"begin"...said Refree.

"Bisharp use metal claw lets go"....said Alain

"ninetails counter with  Iron tail".... Said Alex

Bisharp coated his claw in steel dash toward Ninetails. Ninetails also coated her tail in steel and strike Bisharp. Both move Colloided and both pokemon jump back.

" Ninetails use flame thrower ".... Said Alex.

" Bisharp dodge it then use Night slash"... Said Alain.

Ninetails fire jet of flame from her mouth towards Bisharp but he dodge the flames and cover his claws in dark aura and slash Ninetails.

"Use will-o-wisp".... Said Alex.

Before getting hit Ninetails somehow unleash blue flames from her mouth which envelope Bisharp. By these blue flames Bisharp got burned and taking damage overtime.

" Bisharp ".... Said Alain.

'I have to finish it quickly'.... Said Alain to himself.

" Bisharp use flash cannon".... Said Alain.

"Ninetails use fireblast".... Said Alex.

Bisharp's body stated to glow white and he unleashed a white beam towards Ninetails. Ninetails fire flames from her mouth which take
大 shape and strike with flash cannon. Huge explosion occurred and from the smoke Bisharp
and about to strike Ninetails but Ninetails jump backwards at the end time.

"Was that Guillotine? ".... Asked Alex surprised.

" Yeah we have been practicing for a long time. ".... Said Alain

" That move would be a pain Ninetails use Inferno ".... Said Alex.

" Bisharp use Guillotine ".... Said Alain.

Ninetails shot intense flames which engulfed Bisharp but bisharp didn't stop and strike Ninetails causing her fainted instantly.

" Ninetails is unable to battle round goe-".... Said Refree.

But before refree complete Bisharp's  burn act and caused him to faint too. Both trainers return their Pokemon and thanked them.

"Both Pokemon are unable to battle. It is a draw trainers use next Pokemon"... Said Refree.

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