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the brown beaded necklace connected by a cross trembled, tangled in his slim fingers and hung from his hands. swayed when he moved his body, even if ever so slightly.

his knees were always red and bruised from kneeling to pray almost every single day— uselessly. god never helped him feel differently. he still felt his heart jump whenever he saw the demon. he still felt his legs go weak when he spoke. he still felt his face light up when he smiled. fucking hell, why did it not go away? why wasn't the for told 'god' not take away these barring feelings.

he was in a sense of delusion to others, constantly blabbing on about a higher power or breaking down infront of his declining number of friends. they started to give him glares when he did instead of sympathetic looks that he once got. after constantly breaking down i guess they just stopped believing it.

they didn't really understand why he went to this decaying building to kneel infront of a metal cross. sometimes skeppy didn't even understand why he did, it gave him a false sense of purity i guess. lying to himself that he didn't feel it anymore.

seats the grew mold and that are in the process of withering away in rows of the 'church.' if you could call it that, it looked like decaying piles of wood. planks of wood on the celling that seemed weak, as if they could fall and kill skeppy in a instant if he ever so slightly touched them. many cracks that let in sunlight between the planks scattered across the building. one of the only reasons you could consider it a 'religious' area was the jesus painted windows that made the place look colorful in the morning.

he snapped out of his line of thought when he heard the familiar sound of the guy who cause all this clearing his throat. he felt his palm snap closed, hiding the cross necklace he once held. he stood straight up. hands behind his back and everything.

the demon stood infront of the entrance at the beginning of the lanky hallway, same fading n' worn out crimson suit he wore everytime skeppy saw him. same broken halo that hovered above his horns. his tail laid low with a questioning look painted on his face.

skeppy told him he stopped trying to 'pray',, in bads mind, skeppy was embarrassed to be dating him. to be associated with him. bad smiled with bitterness yet hints of sympathy, hands crossed infront of him with the same ring skeppy kept on his thumb.

"so. what's this all about?" bad chuckled dryly. sarcasm undertones obviously in his voice. he knew what skeppy was doing. well aware of it. his glowing white eyes half lidded giving off more of a upset look. skeppy couldn't keep eye contact, knowing he was in the wrong. he just—

"ba—" he attempted to explain himself, really.

but bad knew skeppy would just lie to him, he always did when it came to his religion. "you don't even have an excuse this time do you?" bad spat out. he knew skeppy from the inside out- whether that he beneficial to skeppy or not. he hung his head in shame.  bad sneered, tired of feeling as if his own boyfriend saw his feelings as  a sin. tired of knowing that he thought bad in general was a sin. he wasn't completely wrong, but it hurt to know.

he stumbled towards bad and just hugged him. bad hesitated, but hugged back. his tail flicked as his feeling jumbled. the floor creaking from the extra weight added to the area.

"i can't keep doing this, love." words that felt as if bad just stabbed him in the chest. he knew what bad meant, sure, skeppy wasn't healthy anymore. it's an obsession, addiction even. he just wanted to feel clean.

"bad, please." he asked, bad took the cross out of his hands. the wood stung his skin. shoving skeppy off him, he smiled and shook the necklace so it wasn't tangled. puting his fingers between the string, he put it around skeppys neck. hearing the click of the hook at the end was enhanced his skeppys ear.

"it's alright." bad moved back, hands together infront of him.

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