drunk mumbles are sober thoughts ,

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skeppy would easily lock lips with whoever was willing when he went to bars or party's with his friends. nothing went beyond one-night stands, and most of the time the people didn't get a text back from skeppy. he wasn't looking for a new relationship, he was just looking to fill the hole. with meaningless sex or mouth laced with another guy's saliva, nothing really helped.

sometimes he'd take it too far and drive by his house. fucking creepy, yeah. but he never seemed to notice. sometimes skeppy'd just park outside, waiting to sober up, so he could drive away. but every aching part of him wanted to go up to the door just to see his face. to apologize again and again until he hugged him and told him it was okay, and they'd start their life together again.

but he never would. because deep down he knew he'd get a door slam in the face or told harsh threats if he ever came back. or worse, have his face drop with disappointment when he realizes what was happening. or have there been another guy there to take the place of skeppy. a million outcomes played though skeppys head constantly, so it was never-ending.

he was so close the other day. inches away from knocking on the door before realizing this was a bad idea and hiding on the side of his house. he probably knew what happened then, he most likely saw skeppys car.

what the fuck is he doing?

he knocked once again at his door. hearing his little rat dog barking while she was running up to the door. he could hear the guy's muffled voice telling lucy it was okay and he'd answer it.
he'd kill to be that gross little white dog right now. how desperate.

he started to walk away like always, to hide under the window or beside the house. part of him thinks he only does this so he could hear him say it's okay. that skeppy too, would get over it.

"skeppy?" his voice was quiet. he held his tiny dog in his arms so she wouldn't bolt out the door to greet him. god, he loved hearing him say his name again.
skeppy stopped in his tracks. his drunken mind still was contemplating just booking it and forgetting this ever happened. acting like it was just the alcohol when he saw bad in public again.

"hey,, bbad." skeppy hesitated but turned around to look at him. his face was neutral but leaning more on the upset side.
"why are you—" bad stopped once he could tell skeppy wasn't standing straight. once he could tell, his voice was ever so slightly slurred and his breath reeked of alcohol.
"oh. you're drunk,," bad sounded disappointed. as if he hoped skeppy just genuinely came to see him. apologize, even. not just a routine his drunk-self was used to. skeppy suddenly felt the weight of his actions double on his shoulders.

"yeah. sorryy,, ca-can i come in?" hiccups in between his words reminded bad of nights he'd take care of skeppy once he came back from a night with his friends, he'd give him advil and water and let him sleep on the couch. usually begged to sleep alongside him on the couch as well. but the demon let out a sigh, and opened his door wider.

skeppy stumbled in, taking in the only slightly new environment. a couple of pieces of furniture switched out, along with furniture skeppy got for bad in a box, except one piece. maybe he's actually moved on, maybe it doesn't hurt when someone mentions skeppy or something related to him. unlike how it is for skeppy. god, he needs to move on.

maybe he shouldn't be here.

"why my house, skeppy? couldn't you have gone to anybody else? you know, vurb lives two blocks down—"

"i wanted to see you."

bad stayed silent as he got skeppy ice water to help him sober up. the guy was already welcoming himself to one of the seats near the kitchen counter. his arms were crossed in front of him while watching the demons movements.
"i told you i didn't want to see you." bad mentioned harshly, sliding him the glass and leaning on the counter across from him.
"im,, so fu-fucking ssorry. i misss you,,"
he didn't respond. and you could see the sympathy for someone he once loved immediately drain out of his face.

fuck, this was a bad idea.

"get out."

"bad— please. i love yyou"

bad blinked. he sighed and had his head rested in his palms. covering his eyes as he thought of what he could do next. what if he did let him stay? he couldn't just forget it. he doesn't want this, skeppy was drunk. this was a dare. or, he just wants someone to take care of him. skeppy doesn't know what he's doing.

"you don't. leave"

as bad as the outcomes in skeppys head played, he didn't expect this one. it hurt knowing he damaged this once never ending loving man. knowing nobody will ever love him as much as bad did.

"nothing feels t-the same. please,,"

nobody he kissed were badboyhalo. no matter how hard he pretended they'd say something he would never say then skeppy would dip.

"did cheating on me feel the same? get out, skeppy."

silence filled the space as skeppy got up and walked to the door. he wanted to convince bad he changed, to yell out how much he fucking loved him and regrets it.
but that would be a bad idea.

giving a final glance for what would most likely be the last time for a while. he could see bad covering his mouth with tears pricking his eyes.
oh god, he's a jerk.

in his car all he could think about what he's done. sure he left off their relationship rocky, but with time he could've fixed that. romantic? bad would never do that again, but they could've been acquaintances at the most. instead of a bitter look and a frown, he could've gotten a greetings smile and a 'hey! how was your day?' when he saw bad.
god dammit. how does he keep fucking this up?

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