nerves ,

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skeppy 10:48 pm
plss bad :(( cmon i wanna see uu
and literally every1 else on twt

badboyhalo 10:50 pm
if you pay for my flight lol XD

skeppy 10:50 pm

badboyhalo 10:51 pm
language btw
ok find me a flight n i'll think about itt.. o_o

skeppy 10:51 pm

and with that, bad would be meeting up with skeppy in a month and three days.

at first skeppy even kept track of the hours until bad was here with him, he kept track of how much time they would spend together, he made dinner reservations at the best restaurant a month in advance. that's how excited he was.

and of course, still regularly texted, called, and filmed with bad. dropping hints in recordings that something big was going to happen.

bad received and sent so many paragraphs of things they wanted to do with each other and how excited they were to finally see each other. it didn't mean every word was laced with worry, but excited nonetheless.

bad was much more of an over thinker than skeppy had ever shown to been. he wasn't counting down the hours out of anticipation, he was counting down the minutes until skeppy view of him changed forever.

he liked online friends, it wasn't too personal. you could lie and they wouldn't even know. better yet, they didn't have to see every angle of you. they didn't get to see the faces you make when you sneeze. they can only see what you allow them to see. bad liked controlling what people online saw of him, more importantly what skeppy saw of him.

bad hadn't been lying to skeppy about anything, but he was worried anyway. he was worried maybe skeppy was actually an incredibly old man, a fan girl, a kidnapper. he could be anything and that terrified bad.

because they were online friends.

what happens when it becomes more? once you see eachother i guess you are just,, "friends."

he'd always thought of skeppy than more than a friend. but online.

skeppy didn't share the same worry bad did. he was wholeheartedly happy. he was more worried about a flight going wrong or bad bailing last minute, oh to be so worry-free. right?


half a month.
half a month until they meet up.

they announced they are meeting up yesterday, and their fandom was going crazy. it was wild, logging on twitter and being spammed with questions and people who just thought they were being pranked. bad didn't blame them for being surprised they would meet up, hell, he didn't fully believe it himself.

nonetheless, it was still happening in half a month.

skeppy 4:12 pm
WOOO 3 weeks badboy !!!!

badboyhalo 4:15 pm
oh i know
you sound excited XD

skeppy 4:15 pm
bc i am!!!!!
3 weeks until i actually get to punch u in the face for being an idiot while recording >:P

badboyhalo 4:16 pm
nvm i dont wanna meet up anymore >:(

skeppy 4:16 pm
what??!! u were literally the one being dumb

badboyhalo 4:17 pm
dont talk to me.

badboyhalo did not wish to get punched in the face.

but he also knows that skeppy was joking, so it was fine. but, my god was he nervous. what was he gonna wear? what was he going to pack? how much cash should he bring? what if the place crashes and he dies? these are all very reasonable possibilities! cmon!

AND he was terrified of planes. why did he agree to this?


the plane ride was only about three hours, having booked an early flight, so they could spent the day together.

it was about 7:40 and the plane would arrive in 20 minutes. of course, nerves were literally eating the guy alive. his foot tapped quickly against the ground and his heart felt like it would beat out of his chest. it was a mix of being scared of planes and scared of seeing skeppy. something would change once he did, for better or worst and there's nothing bad could do. his mind was running outside his skull and his thoughts jumbled into a mess of letters and cries.

the landing made his stomach flip and him feel lightheaded. but heading off the plane, all passengers escorted off the aircraft in a single file line.

he was looking for his suitcase a when he felt his phone go off in his back pocket.

skeppy 8:09 am
is that u badd ??????

skeppy 8:09 am

his phone almost flew out of his hand as the rush of air hit his back alongside another person. immediately being engulfed in a hug before even registering who it was.

"sk-skeppy? oh, hey" bad felt like his ribs would crush, that's how hard skeppy was holding onto him. having no response but a squeeze of pure joy and being shaken once skeppy pulled off.

"you're here!"

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