impromptu date,

418 20 23

hi guys! i'm writing that above.
honestly my head is an empty skull with a single fly buzzing around. requests REALLY help, so don't be shy. thank you @zestypansexual ! enjoy.

his clothes were still warm against his skin from the flat iron, his nerves kicking in as he opened the door for the restaurant. he'd mentioned to yesterday skeppy that he hadn't been on a date in a while. and skeppy immediately took that as a challenge and pulled a few strings with a few guys and now bads asking for a table for two. he was grateful skeppy wanted him out there, but honestly he wasn't even sure he wanted to be 'out there' himself. it all happened so fast, he didn't really question if he was actually interested in this girl.

the waiter led bad to a table for two, and he sat down with his legs crossed. eagerly waiting for his date to arrive.

10 minutes passed by. they said they'd meet up at 6:00 and currently it is 6:07. yes, bad was early. bad didn't want to get impatient but he did decide texting this girl would be good. just maybe she forgot. you know?

in the meanwhile, he decided to be kind and order the two an expensive wine, so they would have something to talk about once she got there.

bad 6:07 pm
hey! where are you?

he placed his phone on the table and waited. observing the people around him as they ate and laughed with their significant others. he felt awkward being a lonely demon sitting alone at a table for two.

20 minutes. 6:20.

so, bad definitely started to get worried. and he was gaining sympathy glances by the surrounding couples, which made him want to dissolve into the air.

he checked his phone in case she could've texting him an update on her whereabouts.

bad 6:07 pm
hey! where are you?

read 6:10 pm

okay. weird. maybe it's traffic? bad didn't want to think the worst in people, so he just brushed it off. he texted her a simple 'hello?' to just remind her, and waited.

6:40. 40 minutes since they were supposed to meet.

bad 6:07
hey! where are you?

bad 6:20

read 6:22

okay. he got stood up.

as nice as the demon is, he wasn't born yesterday. he'd been stood up before, so he could tell. he did feel stupid, though. for letting skeppy set this up and for his 'date' to just bail. maybe there's something wrong with him.

either way, bad texted skeppy the news and called a waiter to the table to pay for the wine.

bad 6:41
she stood me up
ppl are staring o_O

he put his phone down as he asked for the check, but suddenly his phone started buzzing non-stop. he glances at it for a second before saying

"oh, er, never mind. thanks."

skeppy 6:41


bad smiled with a light heat coming to his cheeks. he quickly caught himself and dropped his mouth into a thin line and covered his face with his hands.

about 5 minutes later, you could hear a man rush into the restaurant with flowers in his hand and a tie messily around his collar.


bad's favorite.

skeppy quickly spotted his friend and came over to the table with a big, stupid grin. bad immediately smiled as well and giggled as he noticed skeppys tie.

"babe! sorry i'm late." skeppy emphasized the 'babe' to let people around him know badboyhalo was IN FACT, and TOTALLY taken by skeppy. but the babe part threw bad for a loop ad he took a second to connect the dots in his head.

"oh, my love! you're here!' bad stood up and hugged skeppy while whispering 'thank you.' skeppy just giggled at the pet name and placed the bouquet of poppies on the table and hugged back. bad pulled away and mumbled. 'idiot.' under his breath as he fixed skeppys tie. skeppy stood there frozen as he started to turn red from the minimal space between the two men. he looked into bads focused expression and couldn't help but think how cute he was. fuck.

bad offered skeppy to sit down, and skeppy sat down quietly, still processing his own thoughts.

"honey, i ordered us wine while i waited. try some!" bad words rolled off his tongue so naturally. it caught skeppy off guard. bad took the poppies off the table and placed them under his chair, so he could keep them safe but still eat on the table.

they ordered their food a bit later, skeppy soon got a hold of this pretend dating thing and stopped freezing up.

"this tastes like actual ass." skeppy uttered to bad as bad took a bite of his food. "language, love. and it's tilapia." bad replied quietly, not wanting a start member to hear.

"honestly i didn't know it was a fish." skeppy admitted to and pushed it forward to get the dish smell away from him.

"okay. we can share my pasta." skeppy smiled at the resolution.

they finished dinner with many under-the-breath giggles and cheesy pet names thrown at each other. honestly they were the sappiest non-couple 'couple' there, and it was making even more people stare. but bad didn't care anymore. he was happy to have this time with skeppy.

they walked out of the restaurant as bad was sliding his wallet back into his pocket.

"well, that was the best fake date i've ever had." bad remarked as the stood walked onto the sidewalk. a decorative lamp above the two lighted the pathway as they walked. skeppy abruptly stopped and interjected, "so, about that."

bads ears perked up as skeppy took his hands while looking down.

"how would you feel if i took you on a real date, bad?"

"i'd love to."

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