tired ,

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the metro slowly came to a stop, letting go of the handle he was holding onto the exit the train. people passed by him as he waited for everyone near him to leave so he could be the last one to exit.

eventually he'd step onto the gray concrete the metro stopped at. the buzzing of the cheap yellow lights filled his hearing, annoying but once he got used to it it became quiet background noise. to be honest, he was more drowsy than he wished to be. he was not at his 100% like he wished he was for seeing his lover for the first time in a week.

it's not like he went to california without asking bad to go. he asked, begged even for the demon to come along with him on his business trip so he didn't have to do it alone. instead, bad got tapL to go with him instead of himself. talk about being scared of flights,,
realizing he'd been standing still for the past minutes, he reached for his phone in the pocket of his windbreaker. clicking the last text notification he got from bad

you [ 5:37 pm ]
imm here
wher r u

bad <3 [ 5:38 pm ]
calm down >:0
which station are u at ?

you [ 5:38 pm ]
im at B-82

honestly, bad was a dry texted besides the occasional joke from time to time.

bad <3 [ 5:40 pm ]

skeppy huffed from the half-asses response and put his phone back into his jacket pocket. seeking out a place to but his backpack and sit.
the diamond boys vision peeked out a con feat bench which was relatively empty, sitting on the dusty bench with no second thought. propping his backpack next to his body.

the re-occurring insomnia along the trip was slowly getting to him. entering in and out of reality every time he blinked for a little bit too long. how long would bad be again?
he rested his head against the black bag until familiar arms wrapped around his waist.
startled at first due to lack of awarenes, once he heard a well known "hii!" he smiled and leaned back.

"what? don't fall asleep, let's go."
skeppy groaned but eventually compiled, picking up his bag from the bench and handing it to bad.
bad didn't wanna hold his backpack very much, but he seemed tired.

[ <3 ]

bad allowed skeppy to step up onto the bus before him, letting the diamond boy pick their seats while bad face the driver a dollar. 50¢ for each of them, a better price than a lot of the public buses here.
a few people scattered across the seats but besides them the bus was pretty empty.
bad caught up with skeppy sitting down a little bit away from the edge of the metal part the ending the seat so bad could sit there which he happily did.

the bus way laid out in a way that it didn't remind him of grade school, instead of rows, two longer seats would be placed vertically infront of eachother which left big hallway-ish room.
once the bus started moving skeppy entered back into the 'almost fully asleep' stage again, leaning his head against bads shoulder with his cheek squishing against him.
bads hand rested his his while skeppy played his his fingers to keep himself form completely knocking out, hell even the fact bad was just next to him made him feel more comfortable to fall asleep than he'd been the whole week in california.

eventually he gave into the tiredness, falling asleep pressed next to bad even though they had the whole seat for themselves.
bad chuckled to himself, messing with his hair.

the sun came down as they reached their stop, leaving shines of sun onto both of them. ingrained by the windows from the other side.
"skeppy?,," bad tried to say quietly, he didn't wanna scare him.
his efforts didn't help as by just the hearing of his name; skeppy jolted awake. eyes clasped open as he lifted his body up.
"what? oh," skeppy whisper-yelled out. rubbing his eyes while bad stood up with the handle of his bag handing from his hand.

[ <3 ]

skeppy ran up the stairs of their apartment complex, bypassing bad and rushing to the door. it was cold, and he was tired, and hungry, and slightly jet-lagged.
only to come to a point of no key, so he'd still have to wait for bad to get up hear before even getting inside

   one bad reached their floor, the door unlocked with a small click and swung open upon the push of bad, their dog sat near the door with her tail wagging. skeppy went in first, he placed his bag down near the entrance and made his way to their room to change.

"luccyy!! who's a good girl?" he could hear bad exclaim to his animal in the distance, he really liked that dog. well, skeppy wasn't a big 'tiny white rat-dog' person and only pet it on the occasion, bad fed it and took her out for walks.

skeppy got changed and made his way back into their living room where he'd lay on the couch. soon joined by bad and lucy, but the dog walked off once she spotted skeppy. skeppy doesn't think the dog likes him very much.

skeppy crawled over to bads side of the couch and laid against his torso while bad loosely had arms around his waist. his head into the crook of his neck while skeppy started to fall asleep once again.

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