crimson ,

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"quackity! the egg could give you what you want— please just join the eggpire. what do you desire? the egg can provide it!" he tried his best to sound convincing. jogging to keep up with quackity, for the duck was taking him somewhere to talk this out. to be civil without the want to come close to taking one of quackitys lives.

quackity stopped and turned around to face bad. his eyes dull and a deep brown while the other one a lifeless gray with a still-healing scar slashed across his face.

staring at him, he seemed as if he was mustering up the courage to say the words he wished to. he opened his mouth and thought for a moment before continuing his sentence.

"you know what i want, bad? i want the old badboyhalo back." quackity felt free of his jailcell once he said that. "i want the one who i met, the one who i grew up with." sure, bad wouldn't do anything with the information but it felt good to have him know it. or at least, the corrupted version of his dear friend know it. feeling like rat poison dripping out of his mouth. the demons eyes went wide and he stopped in his tracks. stunned. quackity didn't understand and bad doesn't think he ever will.

"you,," he stepped closer. making the duck boy back up out of fear that bad would hurt him. the demon switched out his sword for an empty palm.

"you think i wanted this?" bad spit out, quackity held his arms up in a way to defend himself in case bad goes back on his word of no violence.
"i don't understand! why couldn't you just ask for hel—" the demon cut off his sentence. "you don't think i tried?" he continued to walk closer, gripping onto the trident in his offhand for some sort of stress relief. his knuckles draining color.

"why didn't you ask me! no, you just want people to join your stupid cult so you don't have to face this alone." quackity stated. truth be told, he was right. bad was scared of himself and the bloodvines. that didn't mean bad wasn't speaking his mind aswell though, he didn't want this. he didn't want any of this. he just doesn't know how to let people suffer alone. especially ones as close to him like skeppy was. is?

"I TRIED, QUACKITY! NOTHING. WORKED. OKAY? HE DIDN'T CHANGE." he paused, quackity automatically knew who and what situation the demon was talking about due to conversations leading up to this one. what this wasn't the egg talking anymore, this was what was left of the broken pieces of badboyhalo. the parts you could see if you really looked close. the way he's glance at people like quackity or puffy, screaming for help with his eyes only. then you could find him, then you could find badboyhalo. it gets harder to see him though.

"i made that decision,," the decision of joining the egg just for him. to give up all your friends, loved ones, everything you held close to your heart just to help someone. that didn't mean bad didn't regret it, but it does mean nobody exactly understood why bad threw away everything for skeppy.

quackity kept a stern look but inside knew he wouldn't get the words he wanted. the words of reassurance or the breaking down of bad asking for help. eventually, the whole sever would be a shit-show covered in red and he'd have to figure out how to stop it alone. without someone he trusted by his side, without a friend by his side.

bad turned his the heel of his boots against the grass and started to walk the other way. the cape that was once lined with a beautiful red trim made by hand now bleach unnatural white that taunted quackitys head, reminding him of who and what he's have to take down and fight. either that be picking off the eggpire one by one, or siding with enemies he'd have frequent nightmares about, the egg won't last for long.

for him

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