late nights ,

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"so, what's your deal?"
skeppy spaced out bads whole sexuality story, just tuning in once bad ended it to ask about skeppys.

skeppy didn't know what his deal was to be honest, he just liked,, bad?
he didn't even know if he liked bad,
he didn't know anything.
but he was honest. so truth be told, he said what he knew.

which was nothing.

"i don't,, know." bad gave a questioning look while picking the peeling paint off the wood.
it was a nice view, his apartment was on the sixth floor. a small balcony but it was better than nothing. both leaned against the railing while having one of their late night talks. the city lit up and you could see the black outlines of buildings. stars scattered across the blue-ish black sky and clouds that you could barley tell were present.

"you like girls then?"
bad tossed the paint chip off the balcony in the middle of his sentence. skeppy worried he'd throw one onto somebody walking below the apartment.

he didn't know the answer to that though. so he stayed quiet, silent in his own thoughts.



"i'm not sure."

bad looked away, looking into the night sky.
skeppy would do the same, yet his vision locked onto bad.

"okay then, you wanna try it?"
skeppy was taken back, eyes going slightly wide.
try it?
bad awaited an answer, his tail swayed behind him as he glanced at skeppy.
he was redder than bad thought he'd be.

"try it?"
bad nodded and grinned.
"you know, being with a guy." bad added context.
his eyes shined in the dark, literally. but it was nice, his eyes were one of their only light sources besides a lit candle placed on the glass table.

"okay, yeah. yeah okay. mhm."
bad chuckled lightly, turning his body towards skeppy and leaning down.
they were already close, so all skeppy had to do was go for it.
he was overwhelmingly nervous, but he did it.
bad tilted his head to fit against skeppys while skeppy kept his eyes closed. holding onto bads wrist.

it felt like skeppy was in high-school again, experiencing his first ever kiss all over again. the nostalgic feeling of butterflies in his stomach and warmth gaining to his face.
another thing he noticed was how bads tail was loosely wrapped around his ankle and his hand rested on his waist. keeping the diamond boy close.

bad pulled away as quick as it started, leaving skeppy with a slight frown.

bad asked, still so close to a skeppys face. he could feel his uneven breath again his mouth. his head was still tilted so skeppy could go back into that paradise whenever he pleased.
"hmm,, yeah, i'm not sure yet." sarcasm laced in his words.

bad laughed, kissing him again.
this time, bad lifted him up by the waist so he was sat on the wooden railing. arms around his waist so he didn't fall back. legs around bads torso. just so he was sturdy.

he wasn't scared, he felt safe. i mean, safe as you can feel sitting on a six story ledge.
which was,, safe. at least with bad.
his hands tangled in bads hair with a smile into the kiss.

he definitely likes guys.
or, atleast, likes bad.

he felt warm even if it was cold out, he felt alive.
bad pulled back and grinned at him. expecting an answer of confirmation.
i mean, bad already knew what the answer would be. he just needed skeppy say it.

"okay. i guess i like guys."

bad smiled.
"woo!!" he said, supportive.

"or maybe i just like you, who knows."
bad fake-scoffed and rolled his eyes. letting skeppy get down.

they'd talk about it in the morning.

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