love confessions ,

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  his head stirred with enhanced senses. the fabric of the pillow case when he slightly moved his head was loud and overwhelming. his head ached and buzzed with oncoming awareness of his surroundings.
the sun barely awoke aswell, creating a pattern imaging the curtains onto the demons bed, a shade darker than the sunlight that shines through them.

wait, the demons bed?
is this not his room?

the arm around his waist shifted which made skeppy realize bad was next to him, curled around his body.


skeppy was used to the routine of waking up alone and going into the kitchen to met the face of a cheery bad, who always seemed to be happy even in the earliest hours of the morning. no matter what time skeppy woke up, bad would be up before him. so,, having waking up next to the guy he never saw right when he awoke threw him into a loop of confusion.

"mmh are you up yett?,, i've been laying here for an hour,," bad mumbled against his neck, every word seemed more groggy than what he was used to. skeppy tried to gather his thoughts to create a response which filled the air with silence for bad, but for skeppy his senses were filled with his thoughts.

after a little, "uhh,, yes? sorry" came out of his mouth. "oh! okay, good morning then."
skeppy formed a small smile from the familiar gesture of a good morning.

the smile faded once bad got out of bed, heading towards the doorframe just to never return. skeppy assumed he was on his way to make breakfast for the both of them, leaving skeppy alone in an empty mattress

why was he in bads bed again?

he couldn't recall why for the life of him, but he assumed he was under the influence. he knew he got drunk on stream by the slight peer-pressure from his lovely chat, played bedwars, then was rudely interrupted by bad ending his stream for him since he was being weird. he couldn't recall the conversations inbetween the events or what he said to bad or just said in general. so he was more than nervous to check twitter or his indirects, hopefully he didn't say something dumb.

he got up soon after the demon, leaving his phone on the wooden nightstand so he could avoid looking at the media for longer. not bothering to change, he went into the kitchen.

bad was already cracking an egg into the glass bowel that contained other ingredients skeppy couldn't name. pulling out one of the stools from the kitchen island, skeppy crossed his arms on the table.

a silence filled the room while skeppy was in his own head, besides the sounds of bad opening cabinets looking for items, no talking occurred between the two until bad started mixing everything together.

"hey, skeppy, do remember what you said last night?" bad cut the comfortable silence, looking above him bowel to met eye to eye with the diamond boy.
"no,, was it bad? am i cancelled?" worry laced the skeppys quiet voice.
"no, you could barely say any sentences that were illegible" bad paused and chuckled to himself, reciting the memories of what happened the night before. "but, you said something afterwards. once the stream was off and ended, you knew the stream was off aswell. do you have any idea what you told me?" bad asked genuinely, eyes that read that this was actually serious, that he didn't just say something stupid that didn't mean anything after hours.

skeppy started to get nervous, he probably said something weird that made bad uncomfortable now bads gonna hate him for the rest of his life and they'll never be friends again. or bads gonna expose him and his careers gonna be over and—

he's overreacting, once again.

bad continued on "you said, and i quote 'i'm inlove with you,, insert curse word, bad. then you paused, and then you went on and on about me. wouldn't stop until i told you to!"  

nice going, smartass. really got yourself there.

"you didn't even end up going to your room, you wouldn't leave mine and kept insisting we slept together." bad laughed it off, continuing to mix the pancake batter. skeppys face brighten in reds with embarrassment and being flustered.

"did i actually? you're not messing with me, right?" bad just let out a snicker in response, pouring the mixture into the burning hot pan.

"you did! it was pretty funny,," bads nervous smile turned into a line. "i do have to ask though. what went though your head saying that? really messed me up for the rest of the evening."


skeppy didn't know what he was thinking while confessing his feelings while drunk. bad wouldn't know if he meant or not if he was under intoxication, so he couldn't blame him for being confused.

"i guess i thought it would be better if i told you drunk so—" bad cut him off, "what? so you meant it?"
"well—" yet again, no time to speak.
"no no, did you mean it or not, skeppy?"

what could he even do in this situation? lie and live with the burden of what could've happened if he said it? continue to live with his bestfriend even after he accidentally spilt the fact he's been inlove with him for years?


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