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6:20 PM


Jefferson, New York

As I open my eyes I look around and just see black. I realise I'm sitting inside the fog. I stand up and try to find my phone to see if the girls made it. When I realise I can't find my phone I try to remember what happened.


5:07 PM


Jefferson, New York

"Ok" Kate says

I hang up then start up my bike again. I turn away from the fog and start riding towards the forest.

"I can't just let them die can I" I ask myself

I sit there trying to figure out what I'm going to do.

"But they're so annoying" I say to myself again

I close my eyes and enter the garden again. I walk over to the centre and see the women again.

"Jericho" She says

"What does that mean" I ask

"You..." She says

"Me" I ask curiously

"You have to" She says

"I have to" I ask

"Find it" She says

"Find what" I ask "Jericho"

"But what is it" I ask before opening my eyes

"Who is that person" I ask myself

My phone starts ringing and I look at it and see that it's Kate.

"Yeah" I say

"We have a problem" Kate says

"What's wrong" I see sitting up on my bike

"Izzy's convertible won't make it to higher ground in time and Isabel's FR-5 only has two seats" Kate replies

"Ok well decide who is going to drive Isabel's car then decide who's going to sit in the passenger seat then someone can sit on the passengers lap then someone in the boot" I suggest

"Ok but that means someone else can't ride in the car" Kate say informally

"Don't worry" I say "Just make sure you've decided who is in the car by the time I get there"

"Ok I'll tell the others" Kate says

"Guys Charlie just called and said we can fit four out of the five of us in the car" Kate says to the other girls

"Ok" Izzy says "Who's in the car"

"Me" Ruby says hoping in the driver's seat

"Same" Abbey says going into the passenger's seat

"Well I'm not waiting to discuss this" Kate says hoping on Abbey's lap

"Isabel pass the keys" Ruby asks

Isabel tosses her keys and Ruby catches them.

"Sorry Isabel" Izzy says hoping in the boot

"It's my car" Isabel says as Ruby starts the engine

The car starts driving towards the location of Calan, Jake, Josh and Daniel.

"What am I going to do" Isabel says sitting on the ground with her knees to her chest

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