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"We know how to beat this thing" I say

"Charlie" Jake says "We don't have any source of light"

"Fuck" I say under my breath

I run over to Calan and find a mini torch in his pocket so I shine it at Jericho.

"Hold this" I tell Jake giving him the torch

I then run at Jericho and kick the spot the light was hitting. Jericho stumbles backwards as the pain makes him tired. Jericho starts screeching but not in pain it sounded like a cry of help. Suddenly another version of Jericho comes up behind us and whacks Jake across the head and makes him go flying.

"There's two of them now" Josh says

"There's two of them now" I repeat scaredly

Both Jericho's close in on us as we realise Jake has the torch but he is in the forest somewhere.

"This is it" Isabel says

"We did well" Josh says

The Jericho's were about to grab us but a dozen torches came shining out of the forest hitting them. The Jericho's run off screeching and all of us turn to the source of the lights. It turns out that they were bandits looking for Calan and Waiz. Kate was also at the front of the pack.

"Well, well, well" Kate says as the group approaches us "Look who it is"

"You're a traitor" Izzy yells

"And you're a bitch" Kate replies "And all of you our outnumbered"

"We can take you" Ruby say entering the conversation

"Really" Kate scoughs "There's twelve of us"

"We've handled worse" Ruby responds

Kate walks over to Calan and Waiz and tells one of the bandits to get some medics, then she walks up to us.

"You are going to come with us and we are going to discuss what to do with you" She says


12:02 AM


Jefferson, New York

"I DON'T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND" Kate yells at the six of us "You are going to go through pain you have never experienced"

She pauses and calls in guards to escort all of us into different rooms. I was put into a room with no window, a steel door and chains on the back wall. I then hear the door open as Kate walks in with two bandits that look weirdly familiar. One had his arm in a sling and the other had a brace on around his wrist.

"I don't know if you will remember these two" Kate says "There names are Simon and Lachlan"

Suddenly I remember the two bandits I beat up at the police station. They then chain me two the wall and Kate leaves the room.

"Kate says we can't shoot you" Simon says

"But what we will do is shocking" Lachlan says pulling out a car battery and clamps

Simon first lifts up my shirt then Lachlan puts the clamps on my nipples. I scream in pain as the electricity flows through my body and starts burning my flesh.

"She also said we couldn't kill you" Simon says "But when we're done you're gonna wish you were dead"

Lachlan then unclips the clamps from my nipples as my entire body was steaming.

"You wanna drink" Simon asks

Simon then steps outside to grab something. Simon comes back inside with a chair, a cloth, rope and a massive jug of water. Lachlan and Simon sit me on the chair, tie my hands together, tilt my head back, put the cloth over my mouth and start pouring the water. I try to move my head but Lachlan was holding my head from moving. They eventually stop and I start gasping for air while Simon goes to get something else. Simon then walks back in with a metal casket of some sort and he stands it up. He then opens it and I realise it was an iron maiden. Lachlan then goes to move me out of the chair but instead I head but him, hit Simon with the chair and run into Lachlan. The chair suddenly breaks and I get my hands out of the rope. I then grab Lachlan's head and smash it into the wall. I turn around and see Simon running at me so I step out of the way, grab him and throw him into the iron maiden and shut the door. I suddenly hear a scream from inside but also hear liquid dripping onto the floor. I turn around and see Lachlan's head cracked open and his body lying on the floor, motionless. I then take Lachlan's keys and gun and exit the room. I walk out to see an open field and four more doors leading into separate rooms. I peek through the door of the closest room and see Ruby getting punched and kicked by two guys. I then knock on the door and wait until one of the guards opens it. I then tackle then guard to the ground and punch him in the face. The other one then grabs me but I kick him in the testicles and punch him in the gut. I kick the guard on the floor in the head and as I do I hear a crack and see the guards head in a weird position. I then punch the other guard in the face knocking him out.

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