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11:03 PM


Jefferson, New York

"Why are you do doing this" Izzy asks as Waiz exits the room

"Because I was an outcast" Calan screams

"Jeez calm down" Izzy says

"I needed something to free myself from...from...from YOU" Calan yells

"But what have we done" Izzy asks

"EVERYTHING" Calan screams louder than ever

"This thing won't last forever" I say entering the conversation

"Do you really think that" Calan asks rhetorically

"You think having all this power can save you" I say "But you're wrong"

"You still don't understand" Calan says "When this creature eliminates everyone in New York and the rest of the world finds out about this, I'm going to kill the monster and the world will believe I am the hero"

"God Damnit" I say "That's actually pretty smart"

Suddenly a massive explosion erupts from somewhere in the facility and Waiz comes rushing back in.

"There here" Waiz says worriedly

"Shit" Calan says

Calan and Waiz then run outside and head to a different building.

"We have to get out of here" Kate says

"Well no fucking shit" Josh says

"I mean we aren't tied together so we can just stand up and leave then we can think of a way to get these ropes off later" Ruby says

"Good idea" Abbey says

We all then stand up except for Daniel who jumps through his arms and now has his hands in front of him.

"Easy peasy" Daniel says

Josh then tries to do the same thing but crashes into the floor making three guards walk into the room.

"Nine vs Three" I say "To easy"

Each guard suddenly pulls out a pistol from their holsters and points them at us.

"Fuck" I say

"Don't worry" Isabel says "We got this"

The five girls then charge at the three guards. Isabel runs on the wall, bounces off and roundhouse kicks one of the guards in the face while Ruby kicks one in the balls before Kate knees him in the face. Abbey then wraps her foot around one of the guards hands and disarms him then Izzy headbuts him before he falls to the floor.

"Ok then" Jake says

Isabel then grabs a knife from one of the guards and gives it to Daniel as he starts cutting us free. Then Jake, Daniel and I grab the guards guns before we all exit the building. When we get outside we see buildings on fire and gun fire coming from every direction.

"What the fuck happened" Kate asks

"I have absolutely no idea" Jake says

I look to my left to see a group of people with M4's firing a group of bandits to my right who also have M4's.

"It's like a gang war" I say

"Those are marines" Abbey says pointing to the people to our left

Suddenly Abbey gets tackled to the ground out of nowhere by a bulky black guy. Suddenly we see five more men come from the direction of the bandits. I aim my pistol at one of the guys but right before I was about to shoot my hand gets pushed by a different bandit. The bandit picks me off the ground with his arms wrapped tightly around me as I feel the air start to leave my lungs. I then swing my head back and hit the bandit in the nose. He then lets go of me as he stumbles backwards. I then use this time to run up and kick the bandit before he could recover. He then smashes into a wall so I run up to him and finish him off with a back heel kick to the temple. I look around and see Abbey still on the floor fighting the bandit so I run over and punch the dude in the head.

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