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8:00 PM


Jefferson, New York

We've been walking for about twenty minutes now when we eventually find the bandits hideout. I look through my scope of my Brno and see at least thirty bandits standing guard at the hideout.

"How the hell are we gonna take them out" Jake asks after putting down his binoculars

"We don't have to take out all of them" I say We just need to take out the ones in our way"

I then stand up and aim in my scope again to see if I can find where Oscar is. I keep scanning until I see a building with a window that shows someone sitting on a chair, tied up and two other people torturing them.

"I think I found Oscar" I say moving the gun away from my face

"Where at" Jake says pulling his binoculars up to his eyes

"East building" I say "Next to the sniper tower"

"Ok" Jake says standing up "Isabel and Kate, you flank from the north and meet us at the building. Charlie and I will flank from the South and meet you at the building"

"Ok" I say "Let's go"


8:03 PM


Jefferson, New York

"This isn't going to work" I say to Jake

"Just trust me" He responds

Jake and I had taken out two guards and put on their uniforms to try and get through the front gate.
"Joe" One of the guards at the front gate says "Clarence, how are you doing? Did you guys get shorter"

Jake then punches him in the gut and locks his arm behind his back. I then pull my glock out and shoot the other guard at the front gate.

"See" Jake says knocking the guard out "I told you"

"Get their ID cards" I say crouching down "We might need them later"

Jake and I then walk through the front gate and head towards the east side. We get about two buildings away from the east building then hide behind a massive container and I peek around to see four more guards. I then rush out, shoot two in the back and roundhouse kick one and then right hook the other.

"Show off" Jake says walking up to me

We both run up to a building and notice that one of the windows is unlocked.

"Idiots" I whisper

We climb through the window and see it's an empty room with nothing except a desk and a computer set up on a book. I walk up to the computer and see a paused video on the screen. I then press the spacebar and a man with a silver samurai helmet sitting in a chair.

"Hello Oscar" The man says

"How does he know Oscar" I ask

"If you're watching this then you succeeded" The man says

"What the hell is he talking about" I say again

"You eliminated one of the ten people standing in our way of success" He say

"No" Jake says

"And now it is time show them what we have done" He says

He then stands up from the seat and walks towards a button on the wall. When he presses the button a lit turns on and shows a hibernation tube filled with water. And the figure.

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