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12:23 AM


New York

"Hey" I say as I get to camp and lay Jake on the ground

"What happened" Ruby asks running over to Jake

"It might not have been but I think Josh rigged the explosives to our truck and it exploded" I reply

"Where is Josh" Izzy asks walking towards us

"I didn't know if I could trust him so I left" I say

"You should have tried to trust him" Izzy says

"I couldn't trust him" I yell

"No" Izzy says, walking up to me "You didn't want to trust him. You were scared that he was going to be like Calan and Kate but we are talking about Josh. Josh isn't smart enough to betray us. So you not trusting him wasn't because of the truck, it was because you couldn't bare to lose another friend the way you lost Calan"

"Damn" I say "You're good"

"I know" Izzy says walking away

"Ok" I say to everyone "I'm going back for him"

"With us right" Jake says wincing as he moves

"First of all" I start "Jake, you are way to injured and like I always say, it's to dangerous for all of us"

"Then I'll go" Izzy says

"Are you sure" I ask

"One hundred percent" She responds

"Thank god" I say sitting down "I'm exhausted"


2:02 AM


Jefferson, New York

"Charlie" I hear someone says as someone grabs me "Charlie"

I open my eyes and see Isabel in front of me.

"What's wrong" I ask rubbing my eyes

"Izzy's been gone for about an hour and a half" She tells me

"Ok" I say standing up "I'll get Jake to come and help me get Izzy and Josh"

I then collapse after taking about two steps forward.

"Charlie" Isabel says rolling me onto my back "Holy shit"

Isabel rolls up my shirt and sees my stomach with a shard of glass covered in blood stuck inside it.

"When did this happen" Isabel asks

"Not that long ago" I say "It happened about two hours ago"

"Not long" Isabel says surprisedly as she runs towards the tent Ruby is in with Jake

"You know you are pretty stupid" Oscar says appearing behind me

"And why's that" I say sitting up and turning around

"That shard of glass has been in your stomach for two hours" He replies

"So" I say "If it's in the same position as it was two hours ago then why should I worry"

"What if it gets infected" Oscar says

"We have worse things to deal with" I say trying to stand up but failing

"You can't even move" Oscar says "Why didn't you tell anyone"

"Jake was worse than I am now" I say "Plus they don't need me"

"Do you really think that" Oscar asks "Or have you just given up hope because you've already lost four of your friends"

"I haven't lost four" I say "I've lost two but I can save the others"

"You better do it before it's too late" He says before disappearing

Isabel then comes running out of the tent with a first aid kit.

"Now let's get this glass out of you" Isabel says crouching down

She then pulls on gloves, grabs some tongs and starts pulling out the glass. There was a small gust of wind that flew into the cut when she got the glass out. She then starts cleaning my wound and eventually wraps a bandage around my stomach.

"You should have told us" Isabel says standing up

"I know" I say "You need to get Izzy and Josh"

"Ok" Isabel says before running towards her tent

"Don't lose another" I hear a slight whisper come from behind me


2:23 AM


Jefferson, New York

"What's the plan" Izzy asks as we get to the edge of the base

"We will go inside and I'll get onto a building and tell you where people and things are while you look for Izzy and Josh" I reply

"Ok" Izzy says as we run towards the entrance

Right before we get to the front gate they open and we see Calan, Kate, Waiz and about a dozen guards holding Izzy and Josh hostage.

"Hello again" Calan says

Kate is pointing a gun at Josh while Waiz points one at Izzy and Calan was between both of them.

"Let them go" I say

"And why should I do that" Calan asks

"Because I know you still care" I say

"It's nice that you actually think that" Calan pauses stepping a bit closer to Isabel and I "I'll give you a choice"

Kate and Waiz both load their pistols simultaneously before Calan continues.

"Do you want Izzy and Josh to die" Calan asks me

"No" I reply

"Ok" Calan says before telling Waiz and Kate to put their guns down

I sigh with relief but right after I do Calan pulls out a pistol and shoots Isabel in the stomach. Isabel then falls backwards but I catch her before she hits the ground.

"Charlie" Isabel says grabbing my hand

"Oh god not again" I say about to cry

"Charlie" Isabel says again weakly "You need to get the information to the government before it's too late"

"No shit" I say crying

"Please" Isabel says "Don't lose the others"

I then feel her hand let go of mine and her neck suddenly falls backwards. I then let go of her and charge at Calan but before I get to him he shoots me in the head.

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