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5:54 PM


Jefferson, New York

As I get to the roof the sun was starting to set and the sky was pure orange. I was holding my rifle in my hands and looking around until I eventually scould see Calan standing on the edge of the building facing the forest.

"I see you finally came" Calan says still looking out to the forest

I look at Calan as I get a little closer and see some web like stuff on his back.

"It's over Calan" I say walking closer

"And so it is" Calan says "But for whom"

Calan then turns around and I could see that the symbiote had taken over him but not all of him.

"Calan please" I say walking closer "We can end this together"

"If only that was so" He says before picking up a bag

He then throws the bag to my feet and I bend down to open it. When I open it was filled with all the gadgets his scientist had created.

"Go on" Calan says "Have your pick"

"I'm not going to fight you" I say "Not again"

"Then this will be an easy fight" Calan says

Calan then hunches over and starts growling. He then starts growing taller and getting stronger until he was 2 times taller than me.

"Well shit" I say running for the bag

Calan charges at me as I grab the bag. I roll out of the way and start searching the bag for something. I come across Iron man's gauntlet and put it on immediately. I then aim the gauntlet at him and fire. The shot barely does anything but he still stumbles backwards. I grab the bag again and pull out the web shooters and attempt to web him to the ground. I get a couple of webs to stick but he still eventually breaks free. He charges at me again but I just grab Cap's shield in time to block his punch but it still makes me go flying. Once I hit the ground I stand back up and throw Cap's shield at Calan but he just catches it. He then throws it at me and it hits me in the forehead and I fall to the ground. Calan then grabs my leg with Venom's webs and starts pulling me towards him. I grab my combat knife out of my short pocket and cut the web before standing up and getting some distance between us. I get to the edge of the building and realise there's nowhere to go so I turn around and just in time to duck one of Calan's punches.

"Calan stop" I say ducking another punch

"No" The now mutant version of Calan yells

I run back to the bag and grab the lightsaber out of it and swing it at Calan. I slice off his left hand and he screams in pain. He then looks at me and growls.

"Oh no" I say meekly

Calan then punches me in the face and I go flying into a wall.

"See Charlie the thing is" Calan starts "You were never good enough for Isabel and I was about to make her perfect but you took that away from me with all this"

"Yeah, you're right" I say "I wasn't good enough for her. But here's where you're wrong. She was already perfect"

I then aim my gauntlet at a power box on a wall about 3 metres away from Calan and a massive explosion goes off knocking Calan to the floor. I stand up and throw Cap's shield at Calan again but this time he doesn't catch it. Then I web Calan's feet and pull them out from underneath him. I fire two gauntlet shots at his chest and finally I pick up Thor's hammer out of the bag and drop it on Calan's chest pinning him to the ground. Suddenly the building starts to shake and I could feel the foundations cracking. I then limp to a wall and sit down clutching my stomach about 10 metres away from Calan.

"Charlie let me up" Calan says starting to transform back to normal

"You know I can't do that" I reply

"But this is all your fault" He says

"I know" I say "But I have to do this"

"You will suffer" Calan yells

"Pains an old friend" I reply

I then close my eyes but as I do I hear the sound of a helicopter getting closer. I open my eyes and could see the army logo on the side of the helicopter. I stand up and walk to the edge of the building getting ready to hop on. I look back at Calan one last time.

"Goodbye old friend"

The helicopter then gets close enough for me to reach but as I'm about to grab it the building collapses and I start to fall. I then react quick enough to activate my web shooter and grab onto the helicopter. I start pulling myself up and when I get to the inside of the helicopter I look back at the building as it falls to the floor. Suddenly a massive explosion goes off as the top of the building hits the floor. I then lie down on the floor of the helicopter and close my eyes.


6:27 PM


Jefferson, New York

As the helicopter lands at the army camp I open my eyes and slowly lower myself out. I look ahead and see Jake, Ruby, Izzy and Felix running towards me.

"We're so glad you're ok" Ruby says hugging me

"We were so worried" Izzy says hugging me

"I can't even lie" Jake says starting to cry as he hugs me

"Well I'm fine" I say "Thanks for asking Felix"

"No problem" He says

"There's a surprise for you" Jake says

After Jake says this the four of them step out of the way and I look forward to see Isabel standing by a tent. I smile and start limping towards her. Once I get to her I hug her, pull away, look her in the eyes and then kiss her. We stay like that for about 5 seconds before pulling away.

"W-w-w, h-h-how" I stutter with tears in my eyes

"After you left to go upstairs Felix found me and brought me back here" She says "Turns out Calan tricked you into thinking I was dead by just knocking me out and using some weird potion that makes it seem like my heart has stopped"

I then hug her again and then we walk back to the others and decide we need to get a proper life.

"What happened to Waiz and Kate" I ask Ruby, Izzy and Jake

"The army arrested them and they're locked up in a cell over there" Jake replies pointing towards a building.

"Well let's go get you settled in properly" Isabel says

We all then start walking towards the tents we're gonna be living in for a long time.


7:38 PM


Jefferson, New York

It was around 7:30 pm when the creatures returned to the Bandit base and started crawling through the rubble. They kept crawling until they eventually could see the rubble moving and a massive green hand burst out of it. The creatures scream and then run away into the forest together. The green hand pulls itself out of the rubble before standing up and beginning to speak.

"I will find Charlie and when I do he will wish he never tried anything this stupid"

Monster Picture:

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