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Today is my favourite day of the yearrrr! I'm absolutely ecstatic, (and this is before I've had any sweets) because today is halloween! Some people don't like halloween, they say it is a meaningless celebration of all things ridiculous, for some people they even say it goes against their religious beliefs. Now, I understand that some people disagree with it and don't want ti celebrate it, but for me halloween is THE best day of the year, it's an excuse to be a child again and dress up as crazily as you wish without being judged!

So today I am siezing the opportunity to be the freak I am at heart! I'm wearing lime green doc martens with dark purple laces, ripped black tights, and a black and green short, lace up chest dress which puffs out at the bottom. I've straightened the ends of my hair but backcombed the top to make it look wild, I also have a few lime green hair extensions in to match my doc martens. To top of my freak-witch look I'm wearing bright orange contact lenses with thick, smokey, Avril Lavigne-like eyeliner, bright green eyeshadow and jet black lipstick.

I grab my phone and lippy and pop it in my bag before dashing downstairs. I stop infront of the hall mirror and check myself over. I push up my hair gently with my fingers to give it more volume then leave for Lauren's house.

When I reach the door I go to knock on the door but as I presa my hand against it, the door opens. Not freaky at all... . I call around the house for Lauren and the boys but I get no response. Just an eerie silence, except for the sound of an autumn breeze drifting through the house.

I guess they must have all gone out. James did say earlier that she didn't have many sweets to give to trick-or- treaters, Lauren said it would be fine but I guess her brother had other ideas. With some of the hormonal teens around here I wouldn't want to think of the tricks they might play if Lauren with her do-gooder intentions, gave them a lecture about healthy eating and handed them all apples.

I'm rudely interrupted from my train of thought when I hear a loud crash from downstairs. I shriek before clasping a hand over my mouth. Oh no! What if there's a burglar? Or-or an axe murderer! Or an escaped convict or an... RIGHT that's it, I'm going in to save my friends! Filled with a sudden wave of courage and bravery I grab an umbrella from Lauren's coat rack and begin creeping up the stairs.

I hear shuffling coming from the depths of Lauren's bedroom. I take a deep breath, close my eyes and "BAM!". I kick the door open . A

green face is suddenly inches away from my own, I feel the figures warm air on my face as they open their blood covered lips to speak. "BRAIIIIIINS!" the figure shouts, I shriek in terror and bat the figure with my umbrella, I attempt to knee him where the sun don't shine but before I get the chance to, I am restrained by someone from behind and the light of the bedroom is turned on.

"HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEN!" The boys and Lauren shout before falling about, over and into each other as they laugh hysterically.

My mouth hangs open and I blush as I lower my umbrella (I do NOT cope well with stressful situations, twas a heat of the moment thing, it was a choice between threatening to cover the tresspasser in my black lipstick or using an umbrella as a weapon, so don't judge!). Well done Anya, managed to make a fool of yourself, this time in front of ALL of your teenage crushes! I'm mortified. All the boys manage to stop laughing... eventually.  However, LAUREN is a different story, she is laughing like a madw woman, scratch that MAN she is in hyper mode where unlike most people she goes extremely low rather than higher. She's practically squatting on the floor and flapping her hands like she's fanning herself. I look at her and give her my beat death glare, which would I'm sure would kill her, if she wasn't already a vampire (halloween costume, dont worry, she isn't ACTUALLY a vampire).

Lauren does a comic fake gulp and bites her lip to stop her laughter. James swiftly changes the subject "RIGHT BOYS AND GIRLS! LETS GO TRICK...OR...TREATINGGGGG!".

Danny sniggers, "you mispronounced it dude". Everyone looks blankly at Danny in confusion. Danny rolls his eyes "it's trickle-treating".

"Erm, no it's not..." James says

"Well duh, where would the 'trick' part come in?" Danny cackles. We look at each other in disbelief, did Danny really just ask that question?Well I suppose this is the one and only Danny Jones, the very man who thought eggs were vegetables.

James places a hand on Danny's shoulder and sighs "trust me Dan, its TRICK-OR-TREAT-ING" he says slowly. We all look at Danny to sew if he processed that, he's nodding slowly but still looks confused as hell. James sighs and shakes his head, "right come on, let's go!".

As we leave Tom turns to me, his costume fits him so well, he's dressed as frankenstein. "I forgot to give my monster a brain!" He says in his attempt at a crazy scientist/ russian accent, I laugh as we look at "the monster" which is Danny who is in front of us and still looking confuddled.


After 2 hours of terrorrizing the neighbourhood and scaring the life out of innocent children with our terrifying costumes we decide that we have collected enough sweets (about three MASSIVE buckets each!) and agree to have horror film night at Lauren's.

I pop home to pack a bag of toiletries, pyjamas, make up and clothes and agree to meet them a little later. I have about half an hour until the time which I said I would meet the others so I have painted my nails with a coat of a pearly blue colour. I'm blowing on my nails to dry my nail varnish when my doorbell rings. I grab a bag of sweets before opening the door, expecting to see trick-or-treaters. But to my suprise there is no one there, I look around, down the road and call out but there is no sound except for the noise of the crisp october breeze, rustling through the fallen leaves that lie scattered about my front garden.

I shake my head in confusion, maybe I imagined hearing the doorbell. I return back to the warmth of my house and go to the kitchen to grab a drink. I fill up a glass with tap water and take a few sips. I stand looking out of my kitchen window, looking at the serene scene of my garden, it's covered by a sea of amber, green and red leaves. All is calm, and all is still.

But then, something changes, the breeze moves, seemingly taking the new life I thought was in my grasp away from me with the beautiful leaves. As I see a familiar reflection in the window.

"Missed me sweetheart?"

A/N: IM ALIVE, NO I HAVENT BEEN ABDUCTED BY ALIENS, NO I HAVENT BEEN KIDNAPPED BY A SERIAL KILLER, NO I DIDNT DIE BASICALLY. I am soooooooooooooo sorry i honestly feel so guilty and terrible for not updating in so long! Please do urge me to write, asking when thr next chapter will be up if you feel like it, just as Directioner1703 kindly did. Sadly, it seems to be the only way to speed up my writing and motivate me! Again, Im really sorry!. But on the plus side! I finally updated! Well who was that at the end of this chapter eh? Im sure you will work it out yourself, if not, dont fret, all shall be revealed in the near future! Yes yes yes, i know, ONCE AGAIN i havent added any of you guys into the story!. But seriously, I finally have a few chapters planned in advance for once, some of you will be introduced not next chapter, but the one after. SORRY AGAIN! Pinky promise it wont be so long until I update next!. This chapter hasnt really been proof read so if you see any mistakes please feel free to point them out as it saves me time.Thats all for today folks! See ya next time!

Kristina xxx

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