The letter

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I woke up the next morning, lying sprawled out on Lauren's sofa bed with Danny lying on his front next to me looking absolutely lifeless. I smirked to myself as i looked at him, he is very odd. Danny is lying there showing off his toned muscles through the thin sheet... and then you look at the drool pool building up next to his mouth, attractive.

I slowly stretch and sit up on the bed before looking over to the clock on Lauren's mantle piece. "SHIT!" i shout before clamping a hand over my mouth. I'm late for work so I run to the bathroom to brush my teeth, do my hair and change clothes. Then I practically fall down the stairs into the kitchen to grab some toast. I much my toast hands free while slipping on my coat when i hear something smash behind me.

I jump out of my skin and start freaking out, what if its a burglar?! Wait, no, at 9 o'clock? I turn around cautiously to see Danny stood there yawning as he picks up the remains of whatever it was that be smashed. I watch him and just know he will cut his hands being as clumsy as he is so i let out a sigh and pick it up myself "here, let me" I smirk seeing the dozy morning state he's in. He sits on the step and watches me in silence until I'm finished.

"Where were you going?" He suddenly asks breaking the silence.

"Nowhere" i say before going downstairs to put the broken pottery somewhere safe where no one will get hurt. After putting it on a plate on the kitchen surface I turn around and Danny was stood right in front of me, cornering me, but not agressively. "Where are you really going?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Work, why, what's it to you?" i ask sulkily before pushing past him. I look back at the clock, shit, shit, "SHIT!" I shout before running out the house. Stupid Danny, he knocks that thing over, he's too clumsy to pick it up himself and then holds me up even more! I am going to get in so much trouble, I'm so late!I'm halfway down the road when it suddenly starts raining, the one day I wear my non-waterproof coat that doesn't have a hood! Just my luck. I cross my arms and carry on walking as i get drenched. Im shivering, soggy and blinded by the rain when I step out into the road, I see headlights and hear a screeching of wheels against the slippery wet floor as they try and bring the car to a halt. I stand completely still in shock, breathing heavily in and out. After the shock i just sit down on the floor and curl up holding my knees to my chest and sway back and forth.

I hear a car door close and the pitter-patter of footsteps rushing towards me."ANYA?WHAT THE ELL YA DOING DOWN THERE?" i hear a familiar voice shout through the crashing sound of the rain on the floor.

I look up and see Danny holding an umbrella looking down at me. I sigh and take the outstretched hand he offers me.

I flop onto the passenger seat in Danny's car, tilt my head back and close my eyes. We just sit there in silence... again. This time i decide to break the silence myself, "what are you doing here Danny?" I ask more viciously than I intended to.

"Well actually i was looking dor you, it was clear that you were in a rush this morning so i felt bad for holding you up, then it started chucking it down with rain so i felt bad and thought you would appreciate it if i gave you a lift." Danny says sulkily.

I feel really guilty now for being so sour, it was actually really thoughtful of him to give me a lift. "I'm sorry Danny, I was just in a rush for work, sorry" I say with puppy dog eyes.

He laughs and leans in for another of his squeeze-the-life-out-of-you hugs. "I think i can find it in my heart to forgive you being the famous, gorgeous heart throb who just happens to be from your favourite band" he smirks.

"Alright big head, thats enough and by the way McFLY is my second favourite band, Busted has the edge" I laugh giving him a flick on the head. (A/N busted were still together at this point and although mcfly and buated are friends Mcbusted doesnt exist)

"Guide me to where you need to go because I might as well give you a lift now that im here" Danny persists.

"Okay, thanks" I smile.

He turns on the radio and room on the third floor comes on so we both start singing at the top of our lungs, I have to admit this is pretty amazing hearing Danny singing his bit in the song LIVE, and I'm the only one who can hear, almost like a private show.

"Wake up early

Round 7:30

Housekeeping knocking on my door

"Do not disturb" sign

The back of her mind

I must've left it on the floor


My eyes are hurting

'cause the cheap nylon curtains

Let the sunlight creep in through from the clouds

Cos at times like these remind me

That I gotta keep my feet on the ground" we both sing/shout.

I fall back in my chair laughing when I feel my phone vibrate and i look down at the text.

"Stop Danny" I say quietly at almost a whisper, so quietly that he doesn't hear me, "I SAID STOP THE CAR!" i shout suddenly, scaring the life out of Danny before he quickly breaks making us lurch forward a bit before being thrown back into our seats.

"What? WHAT IS IT? ANYA WHAT HAPPENED?!" Danny shouts worriedly.

I get out of the car slowly and walk, just walk until I collapse in a heap on a grass verge. I look at the text again before lying my phone on the floor next to me and lying on the grass myself, looking up at the clouds in the sky.

It takes about a minute before I hear a breathless Danny running towards me. "ANYA?" I don't reply, i just carry on looking at the clouds. "Anya, whats going on?" Danny asks more gently this time. I still don't reply so he just lies down on the grass beside me and looks up at the clouds too.

"Triple breasted woman" Danny says out of the blue, pointing at a cloud, i follow his finger and giggle. Then I point at one, "steam train" I reply. "Kim Kardashian's arse" he says pointing at another. I sit up and frown, "How is that Kim K's arse?" I ask confused.

"Look at the shape, could balance a wineglass on that" Danny says seriously pointing at the blob of a cloud that doesnt resemble anything like Kim K's backside.

"You are so weird, and wrong!"

"Touché" Danny laughs.

We carry on laughing at weird clouds for a while longer before I bring up the anticipated aubject myself to Danny's suprise.

"I have to tell someone, I just have to, just read this" I say handing him my phone, the text i recieved in the car displayed on the screen.

To my fucking mistake of a daughter,
I have free contact with you now! So isn't that just wonderful. I've paid my time and your dear daddy is coming out of prison in 2 weeks time, just to warn you. It's your fault I got locked up in that hell hole and believe me as soon as I'm out of here you WILL get what you deserve. When I find you it will be 10 times worse than last the last time we spent together.

Lots of love

I sigh as Danny puts my phone down after finishing the message. "Explain" he says with a simpathetic and confused as usual face.

"It's a long story..." I trail off.

"I have time"


A/N please read this, i know its tempting just to skip A/Ns but please read. Firstly i am so so so sorry i havent updated for ageees, not sure how long, but its been far too long. Secondly i just wondered if anyone would be interwsted in being included as characters in this if so please post your name, describe your appearance, describe your personality in 5 words and say how you want to link into the story (bearing in mind i will add the rest of mcbusted into the story fairly soon). sorry if this chapter is rubbish, what can i say, i write this for my pleasure and hopefully yours, not to make a beat selling novel. Please vote, comment and follow, i follow everyone back! Thats all for now folks! See ya next time! :D

Kristina xxx

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