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The steady rhythm of a constant beeping sound coming from my side stirs me. The pungent smell of chlorine and disinfectant fills my nostrils and I immediately know that I'm in hospital. Slowly, I open my eyes, only to scrunch them back up when I see a bright light shining down on me. I turn my head away and groan, still not fully woken up. I begin to stretch out and make squeals like a guinea pig in some sort of attempt to give me the strength to get up, but then I quickly contract back into my curled up ball when I realise how much my stomach hurts. I manage to push myself up gently so I'm sitting upright, but as soon as I do so, I get a headache and the room starts spinning. Just as I'm holding my head in my hands, I hear doors creaking open and quiet footsteps edging closer.

"ANYA, OH MY GOD YOU'RE AWAKE" someone shouts really loudly, not helping the already painful headache that I can feel coming on. Then they practically launch themselves at me and engulf me in a massive hug.

They loosen their hold around me and pull back, his eyes meet mine and I'm shocked to see James' bright blue orbs staring at me intensely, painted with worry.

"Wow I thought you were Danny the way you launched yourself at me!" I laugh. Suddenly his face his face seems  to fall and and some unreadable emotion flickers through his eyes, however, it is soon gone as quickly as it came as  quickly masks it with a smile and a small, awkward laugh. "No, it's me...just me" he smiles. I tilt my head in confusion and wonder if I should ask him what's wrong but decide against it.

I'm about to start a conversation to end the somewhat awkward silence that's surrounding us, but James beats me to it. "So what the fuck happened" he asks with a small laugh.

I trust James, I really do, but why involve others in my problems? And if my father found out I told someone what happened, well I don't even want to think about what he would do, so I lie "I-I erm... I slipped, because I cleaned the floor you see, and it was still wet, then I slipped and banged my face against the cupboard in front of me, then fell backwards and bashed the back of my head on the kitchen top and i guess I passed out?" I waffle, questioning myself at the end.

"Woah, complex story, at least I can see you don't have amnesia" He laughs. Thank god, he seems to believe me, somehow.

I laugh nervously "aha you know me, clumsy oaf". He smirks and looks back into my eyes. God his eyes, they are so... Blue?! They're absolutely hypnotising, in fact I think I manage to lose myself in the stormy blue pools before an awkward cough from him brings me back to reality. I smile awkwardly and look down, trying to hide my blush. But when I do so, I realise just how close the two of us are and I think he does too. He's sitting cross legged, opposite me, his knees resting on my own, his hands gently holding my elbows, his face a mere few centimetres from my own.
He quickly moves to he chair to the right of my bed. I can't help but feel a bit downhearted when he moves away so quickly, wait what?!

"So how long was I out for?" I ask, in an attempt to change the subject.

"Erm, well we brought you in about 6 pm last night and it's now 11am"

"Shit that long!?" I ask in shock, sitting up straight. He nods, smirking.

"So what time did you come back in this morning?" I ask him.

"I didn't..." James trails off. I cock my head, giving him a confused, questioning look.

"I've been in all night" He says quietly. Wide eyed, i turn to him in suprise.

"You shouldn't have! Why?" I ask in confuddlement (what a great word!)

"Well Danny had to go home to tell everyone what had happened because he knew they would be worrying, he tried to get me to come home too. But it didn't feel right to just leave you by yourself. And I-I was worried about you" He replies quietly.

He was worried about me? James freaking Bourne the internationally famous, gorgeous, heart throb popstar...was worried about me? I smile at this thought, I can't help myself but smile at his embarassed state either. I reach over, place my hand on top of his own and smile at him warmly.

"Thanks James"

Wooo i updated. But GAHHHHHH I STILL HAVENT INTRODUCED ANY OF YOU! I'M SORRY WILL DO SOON.i just had to publish something, sorry if its crap xxx

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